Chapter 3 : Oh No!

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In the last chapter rimuru and mc, which is you, made a pact with our lovely second-born, avatar of greed The Great Mammon! They also got him to pay Leviathan back, also know as levi and no not that Levi.

                                                    IN RIMURU'S ROOM

This is after he made a pact with mammon, it is the morning and he is currently lying in bed

(I made a pact with the avatar of greed and ever since then I have this mark that appeared out of nowhere)

[Answer: Ever since master made a pact with the individual mammon, avatar of greed, the mark that appeared on master's arm is the result of the pact being made, and a mark will appear for each demon master makes a pact with but it will look different for each]

(Is it perminant?)

[Answer : Yes]

Rimuru sighed

[Alert:The individual--]

Suddenly the door has been kicked down by Mammon.

"My Door!" Rimuru yells

"Are ya going to sleep through every breakfast!" Mammon yelled standing in front of rimuru. "I don't sleep through every breakfast" Rimuru said looking at mammon

"Ok where were you yesterday morning, or the day before that and-" Mammon was interrupted by rimuru "Enough I get it ok! " Rimuru says facing to his head to the right

"And because of me making a pact with you two humans my brothers won't stop pestering me about it!" Mammon yells pointing at rimuru

"Whatever let's just go down to the others" Rimuru says as he walk out of the room and heads towards where everyone else is.

                                                  IN THE DINING ROOM

"UGH, I missed breakfast again" Rimuru whines. "Stop over sleeping then you won't miss breakfast" Mc says walking over to rimuru

"Your lucky I saved some of mine for you" Mc says handing rimuru food "Your an angel! "Rimuru says taking the food

(Man I feel bad, I don't even need to eat but mc keeps giving me food)

[Suggestion :Maybe master should start being on time instead of spending his whole morning thinking and staring at the roof, then maybe mc won't have to give you their food everytime you miss breakfast ]


Suddenly mc starts rubbing rimuru's back. "What are you doing"

"I don't know why but I felt like something happened and I had to do this" mc says

"You know I find it surprising that they managed to make a pact with mammon,but what's even more shocking is the team-up with Levi" asmo said with a surprised tone in his voice

"Yeah never I'd see the day two humans won over levi" Satan said also surprised

"No one won me over! Our interests just happened to align!" Levi retaliated.

"You know with the way things are going we all might find ourselves in a pact with MC and Rimuru" asmo said and added" Say rimuru, Mc if you had a choice who would choose to have a pact with next.

"I'd say satan" Mc said

"If you want a pact with me, you'd have to offer your soul, only then would I consider it" Satan said nonchalantly

"I'd choose beel to have a pact with next" Rimuru said with a slight drool thinking of all the food him and beel could eat.

"uh-uh. no" Beel said

"Ehh! But think of all the food we could eat!"

"But we already do that" Beel said taking a bite out of his food afterwards and continuing " Like yesterday you ate all the food in the fridge with me and we still went to hell's kitchen afterwards"

"How do you still have that figure after all that food you've eaten rimuru" Asmodeus said looking at rimuru

"That's a secret" Rimuru said

"So that's why the fridge is always empty and the  food bills have gone higher" Lucifer said.

"This food's delicious isn't it mc" Rimuru said

Mc looked shocked for a second and gave rimuru a 'don't drag me into this' look.

"We'll talk about this later" Lucifer said

Rimuru POV

Ever since we got it to school, people seem to know about the pact mc and I made with mammon. I still can't belive I'm back at school.

But I must say it's a bit annoying how they know everything that happened and it is the talk of the school and we hear it everywhere.

As mc and I are walking in the hallway curiosity hits me

(Can we see the pact mark if I'm in my slime form?)

[Answer: It doe----]

(Stop! I want to figure it out myself! Also you have been speaking more fluently! )

[It's just--]

(Yeah it's just my imagination )

As we are walking I see an empty classroom "He Mc I'll catch up with you. I just remembered that.....wanted help with something" I say facing Mc

"Oh ok I'll see you later then" Mc says as they walk away from me. I look around to see if anyone is watching me. "Ok no one is watching" I say as I enter the room.

"I kinda hope it doesn't show because if I go back to tempest and they see this, everyone will freak out, especially diablo and shion"

{Sorry only video I could find and was in a rush}

I go towards a mirror I picked up and I saw the pact mark on the right side of my slime body. "It's a good thing it's small, so maybe they won't notice, I wonder-" Rimuru is interrupted by a box falling.

(Oh shoot! I've been caught)









The End

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed feel free to check out my other stories.

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