First Day, First Pact Chapter 2

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In the previous chapter, rimuru was leaving walpurgis after officially becoming a demon lord but something went wrong and he was kidnap-*cough* summoned to the realm of demons, The Devildom to become an exchange student in the school of RAD, he is currently sleeping in his new room

How will his year go?

Will he survive?

Will they get along?

Will they find out his secret?

"WILL YOU EVER WAKE UP!? " Mammon says as he is shaking rimuru trying to wake him up like he has been doing for the past 15 minutes.

"Whats taking so long Mammon?" Satan asks. "This human will not wake up, i tried everything! I shouted, shook him, splattered water on him and nothing! Nothing!"

" Well you better hurry before beel eats his food, again" satan says as he sees rimuru open his eyes


"SERIOUSLY. THAT'S ALL IT TOOK TO WAKE YOU UP!!!"Mammon shouts at rimuru

" Eh? "rimuru says as he tilts his head " But you do gotta get ready, it's your first day at RAD and you need to eat breakfast" Satan says

Once rimuru gets ready he goes down the stairs and greets everyone
"Where's my food?" Rimuru asks wondering where's his food
"Beel" mammon says "You can have some of mine rimuru" Mc suggest

"No it's fine" Rimuru says disappointedly "I insist"
"Fine, thanks mc!" rimuru thanks you

"Today's your first day at school, you need to be on time or else there will be punishment" lucifer says "ok, ok! I'll wake up earlier!" rimuru shouts

They are all done with breakfast and are at RAD.

Rimuru POV

(I have been basically kidnapped and is made to relive school again. I'll need to be cautious because for all I know they could be lying about us returning after a year)

(And I'm not going to be able to defeat all of them so I need to be on their good side until the end)

After we've been shown around by mammon and he eventually leaves, me and mc are left alone in the hallway when I hear a few demons talking

"Aren't those the human exchange students?"

"yeah they are"

"I heard mammon's babysitting them"

"But he's not here right now, let's devour them before beel does"

Once mc and I hear that mc grabs my wrist

"Mate Mate Mate! Mc what's wrong?!" I ask while mc grabs my wrist and is running off somewhere"Those demons wanted to eat us! Mammon said if a demon tries to attack us, we run! "mc shouts as we run, I'm technically being dragged we stop as we hear an unknown voice calling out to us.

" Hey, you there" a white haired man calls out and mc and I look at him with a questioning look. "That's right,im talking to you. You are practically screaming 'Come and eat me! I'm scrumptious!' Your names are mc and rimuru right?"

He asks but me and mc look at him suspiciously "What with that look? There's no need to be suspicious of me."

{Do you know who he is Raphael?}

[Answer. It's possible he is another exchange student]

"My name is Solomon. I'm a human exchange student just like you two. Nice to meet you" he says

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