Chapter 4:An Angel

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(text) =Thinking













In the last chapter rimuru went into an empty classroom leaving mc behind to check if the pact mark was visible in his slime form but was interrupted by a box being knocked over by something... Or someone.

Rimuru POV

(Oh shoot I've been caught!)

I quickly turn back into my human form and go check what knocked those boxes over. As I got to the pile of boxes I look over to see. "A child?"

(Whats a child doing here, and what's with the clothes his wearing, it looks... very holy)

(And why does he resemble a chihuahua)

"I'm not a child! I'll have you know I report directly to Michael the archangel!" Unknown chihuahua kid said.

"So you're an angel?" I ask with my eyebrow raised "Of course I am!" What's your name?" I say looking down to him to which he responded "Why should I have to tell you my name demon" he said

"Because if you tell me your name, I will tell you mine"

(Demon... Does he really think i'm a demon. I mean yeah I'm a demon lord but that doesn't make me a demon)

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your way to class?"I ask
"Then why are you not on your way to class?" He said
"So what's your name?" I ask trying to avoid the question

"My name is Luke, don't forget it demon!" Luke exclaims, "I've been wondering what's all this noise coming from the room so I entered and saw...whatever that was"

"Don't tell anyone about this" Rimuru asks "Why should I listen to you?" Luke asks "Because aren't angels supposed to be kind and compassionate " Rimuru pleads "...Fine" Luke says but adds "But I got my eye on you demon" He says as he walks out

[Master is an idiot]

{Hey! I am smart! }

[Master, you know it's bad to lie to yourself right?]

{When did you start getting sassy with me!}

[It's just your imagination]

{Yeah right!}

Rimuru walks out the empty classroom looking a bit mad, when he got to class he sat next to Mc "What happened to you to look so mad? " Mc asks gesturing to his facial expression

{Maybe a certain someone keeps calling me an idiot!}

[I wonder who... ]
if Raphael had a form she'd be looking away whistling

"Mc do you think i'm an idiot ? " Rimuru asks looking at Mc with a smile on his face with his eyes closed, Mc looked surprised at the sudden question as they as their eyes dart at him back and forth and try to avoid eye contact.

"Um, well" Mc starts off "Well?" Rimuru asks raising his eyebrow "I guess you can be a bit of an idiot...sometimes! " Mc says looking away from him


[I told you]

{Shut up...}

"Mc do smell that?" Rimuru asks painfully "Smell what?" Mc asks "It's the smell of betrayal in the air!" Rimuru exclaimed "I'm sorry ok!" Mc exclaimed as the teacher walked in signaling class is starting.

Once class started Rimuru realized Mammon was in this class too "History is boring, don't ya agree" They also wouldn't stop talking "Yeah but this lesson is actually interesting" Rimuru says

(We're learning about my world why wouldn't this be fun)

"Mammon, Rimuru! Stop talking!" The teacher exclaimed causing them to stop their conversation "Since you like talking so much, I bet you haven't been paying attention" The teacher says "I have" Rimuru states "Then you wouldn't mind answering a few questions?" The teacher says thinking he will fail.

"Not at all" Rimuru says confidently "What's the world called?" He asks "The cardinal world" Rimuru answers "How many demon lords are there" The teacher asks  "There are eight" As the teacher keeps asking questions rimuru keeps getting them right, "Just stop talking, it's a distraction to the class"

The teachers starts explaining "The cardinal world and the human world are related in a way, humans from the human world would be transported to the cardinal world through summoning which lead to them being called otherworlders,leading to their soul to still be connected to both cardinal and human world, but the connection to the human world would be weaker.

And they wouldn't know how to get back and because of the sudden summoning, their source of magic called magicules would make some of their souls unstable and could potentially kill them over time.

Rumor has it that someone was reincarnated into that world which lead us to believe their soul is completely connected to both human and cardinal world, because a otherworlder was forcefully summoned but a reincarnated person would be able to pass with no trouble. "

A/N-I came up with this and I hope it makes sense because I went through this so many time to make sure it make sense😓 also how are you enjoying this so far?

{Is that really how it works}

[Correct, your soul is still in contact with your old world but you have to be stronger and have a certain skill to be able to go back]

(No wonder I was transported here even though I'm in a new world, this is the third world I've been to what's next? The celestial realm?)

(it's like I'm just being used as entertainment for people to watch me)


(nah, that wouldn't happen)

The bell rings signaling class is over as rimuru and mc leave the classroom and head to their next class, as they enter, they can hear two demons gossiping somewhere when a unknown person starts speaking"whenever you make an important announcement the demons couldn't care less, but rumors...they spread like a wildfire"






















Well that's the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote or even follow me if you want.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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