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Eddie refused to open his eyes when he woke up. He was snuggled against Steve, the hair on his chest tickling his cheek. And Steve had his arms around Eddie, both of them. They were solid and strong, and Eddie felt safe and warm where he was. He would have given anything to stay there, just like that, for the entire day if he could. But he knew he couldn't. He needed to get up. He needed to check on Wayne. But there was no coughing that he could hear. So, he snuggled deeper into Steve for just another minute longer.

When he finally did open his eyes and tilt his head back to look up at Steve, Steve was awake, smiling down at him. Eddie opened his mouth to speak but Steve had other ideas. He covered Eddie's mouth with his own and they kissed for several minutes. It was slow and lazy, and they dragged it out as long as they could before Steve finally pulled back. He reached behind him and felt around for their discarded boxers. He handed Eddie's to him, and they both put them on before pushing the sleeping bag back and sitting up. Eddie sat up next to him, their shoulders touching, and nudged him softly.

"Good morning."

"Morning, beautiful." Eddie blushed a deep shade of red and Steve leaned over to drop another soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. "You sleep okay?" Eddie nodded. "Coffee?"

"I don't really like coffee," Eddie answered.

"Well, shit," Steve sighed. "I'm not sure we can be friends anymore if that's the case." Eddie nudged him again and they both laughed. "Well, I want coffee. Why don't you go check on Wayne while I make some?" Eddie nodded again. "Do you want anything while I'm in the kitchen?"

"Nah, I'm good." Eddie leaned across Steve and grabbed his jeans and t-shirt from the floor. "But sometimes Wayne likes to sip a little coffee in the mornings. If you don't mind."

"I don't mind." He reached for his own clothes and they both got dressed. "How does he take it?"

"Black," Eddie answered. "Not hot. Just warm."

"Warm, black coffee coming right up," Steve said as they stood up.

"You're the greatest," Eddie told him then kissed him quickly and went off to check on Wayne.

In the kitchen, Steve heated two cups of water in the microwave to make coffee, taking Wayne's out after only a minute so it wouldn't be too hot for him. When he had the cups ready, he took several drinks of his own, then took Wayne's to his bedroom. He tapped lightly on the door before stepping inside. Eddie was sitting on the side of the bed, holding Wayne's hand, and they both looked up at him as he came in.

Steve held the cup out to Eddie and Eddie smiled and shook his head. There was something off about his smile. It was sad but relieved at the same time. He glanced at Wayne. Wayne was sitting up, smiling at both of them. He seemed in better spirits than he had in a while. Steve sat the coffee on the table and turned to leave again when Wayne reached up and laid a hand on his arm.

"Stay, son," Wayne said. He looked better today, but his voice was tired and thin, weaker than it usually was. "Eddie's going to need you." Eddie also put a hand on Steve's arm and tugged him closer, so Steve sat with him, let him lean back against him, as they sat on Wayne's bed together. "It's time."

"I'm not ready yet," Eddie said, his voice cracking as he fought to hold back his tears. "I know it's for the best, but I want more time with you."

"I'll always be with you," Wayne said. "And now that you have Steve, I don't have to worry about you anymore." Steve wrapped his arm around Eddie. "I love you so much, Eddie. You've been my everything, the light of my life."

"I love you too, dad." Eddie's voice shook as he lost his battle against his tears.

"Don't cry for me, son." Wayne lifted one arm and reached for Eddie. "Give me a hug. I'm ready to go now."

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