Peach Trees and Moonlight | Macaque x Wukong

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My fiancé got me into LMK and now these gay monkies have consumed my thoughts help-

Fluff. Pure tooth-rotting fluff. Kissing. Faggot ass monkies (affectionate)


Moonlight shines down upon the two lovers, illuminating their faces in a soft glow. The mountain is quiet, calm, most of its occupants fast asleep by now, taking shelter in the various fruit trees. The lovers, though, lay awake, tangled together as they rest against one of the many peach trees scattered about the mountain.

The onyx furred monkie sits up against the tree, his arms wrapped tight around the golden mass sitting in his lap. Said mass has his own arms around the others neck, face nuzzled into the dark fur. Their tails are intertwined at their sides, golden fur and black fur becoming one. The lighter of the two purrs ever so slightly (though he'd deny it if pointed out), his chest rumbling with content against his lover, who holds him tighter, closer.

Macaque smiles into golden fur, his head leaning against his peach scented mates. He starts purring, too, when Wukong presses a kiss to the black fur of his neck.

"What're you doing, peaches?"

'Peaches' giggles, kissing the others neck again. "Kissing you, duh!" His voice is muffled by Macaque's fur, but having six ears allows the latter to perfectly make out what Wukong says.

A sigh, as overdramatic as the monkie giving it, and not at all serious. "I know that," he rubs Wukong's back, lightly scratching with his claws, though careful not to press to hard (Wukong shutters softly, taking pleasure in the way his lovers claws feel against his clothed skin), "but you said you were going to sleep."

"I got bored." Wukong shrugs, lifting his head from Macaque's shoulder. He looks his other half in the eyes, a smile on his face.

"Oh, really?" Macaque smiles back, leaning in to press his lips against the others.

Wukong eagerly kisses back, his tail attempting to thump happily at his side, but his tail is still one with Macaque's, meaning that the shadow monkies tail is now thumping, too. Macaque lets it happen, chuckling softly against his lovers lips. Wukong mutters a small "sorry" into the kiss, though neither monkie pulls away, too engrossed in the others presence to really care.

When they finally part, both monkies have a smile on their lips.

"Still bored, peaches?"

"Hmm..." Wukong looks up at the stars, feigning thought, "Yeah. I think we better kiss again."

Macaque chuckles again, finding joy in the goofy smile on his lover's face. "Yeah?"

Wukong is the one to lean in this time. "Yeah."

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