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does anyone want to play minecraft with me?


ooo me too y/nie :3

i have work soon, sorry to disappoint y/n :(

same here, but maybe some other time !!

aw okay :(
joo and ji hop on call !!

[incoming call from your.user]

while i waited for the two boys to join, i turned of my computer, letting it load a bit before opening minecraft.

"y/n?" you smiled as you heard the unfamiliar voice call your name.

"hi jiseok!" you answered, keeping your camera off.

"jooyeon wants me to tell you that it might take him a second, he has to help hyeongjun with something!" he says as he turned on his camera, leaning his phone against his computer monitor for a better view of himself.

you sit there quietly, observing the boys features. his slightly messy, dusty orange hair hiding under the hood of a gray zip up he was wearing. his sleeves pushed back to reveal his veiny hands, accompanied by some bracelets on his left wrist.

you get lost in your thought before hearing jiseok speak up again.

"y/n? are you there?" he asks.

"wha, oh uh yeah im here!!" you bashfully reply, straightening your posture.

jiseok leans closer to his phone as he chuckles to himself, looking up at the camera before responding, "you like what you see y/n?"

just then jooyeon joins the call, turning on his camera while bringing it up to his face to get a funny view of himself.

you and jiseok both break out into laughter as jooyeon interrupted the tension jiseok had built up without knowing what he had done.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY TO PLAY??" jooyeon excitedly screams, putting his headset on and connecting it to his phone.

"jooyeon stop screaming!! im already in a world join me!!" you say, putting all your focus on your computer monitor.

"joo, when you get in the world invite me. i don't have y/n friended yet." jiseok said with a frown apparent on his face.

the orange haired boy turned his attention back to his phone before huffing, "y/n turn your camera on! its not fair that jooyeon is the only person to see you and im not!!"

"joo isnt the only person! the little drummer boy has also seen me." you say matter-of-factly, chuckling at yourself when you recall gunil as the little drummer boy.


"jungsu hyung has also seen her, its only you, seungmin and hyeongjun who haven't." jooyeon says, snickering to himself.

jiseok quietly frowns to himself before turning back to his computer monitor, accepting the invite from jooyeon.

"JISEOK GIVE ME MY IRON BACK!" you scream, while the previously mentioned boy runs off, your iron in hand.

it has now been 3 hours since you all began playing together. since then, you, jooyeon and jiseok had all built a house, made a farm, and went mining. well, almost all of you. jooyeon had decided to stay back and decorate the house since he was scared of monsters.

you were now chasing jiseok around, his avatar occasionally turning around to see how close you were.

"THIS IS MY IRON, I PUT IT IN THE FURNACE!" jiseok exclaims in a fit of laughter.

you quietly giggle to yourself before stopping in your tracks and turning around, walking back to the house jooyeon occupied.

jiseok noticed this and also stopped running, slowly walking beside your avatar before dropping the iron in front of you, letting you have it.

you pick the iron up before looking at him and nodding your characters head, giggling to yourself before running away, "thanks for your iron jiseok!"

you stood still, realizing you had ultimately tricked him for his own supplies. he smiles to himself as he watches your avatar running away, listening to your giggles through the phone.

'they're adorable' he thinks to himself.

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