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jiseok slowly opened the door to gunils room before peeking his head in. inside he saw gunil, seungmin and jungsu seated on gunils bed, awaiting his arrival.

the three turned their heads towards the door as jiseok entered, a nervous feeling building in the pit of his stomach.

"what's up guys?" he said, trying to make his nervousness with some fake confidence.

gunil smiles to jiseok as he motions to the spinny chair in his room, "sit."

jiseok walks to the chair, sitting before placing his hands in his lap and looking towards the older boys, "why does this feel like an interrogation.."

"because it is!!" seungmin exclaimed, standing from the bed and making his way over to jiseok, jungsu following soon after.

"do you like y/n?" jungsu questions, "and dont lie."

"no! why on earth would you think that." jiseok answers, scratching the back of his neck.

"hm! lets see," gunil starts, "you seem to scream every time y/n compliments you or says anything remotely nice to you, like you did when she called you cute and saved your photos."

"no i didn-"

"yes you did." said hyeongjun, quickly poking his head in to answer before disappearing just as fast as he appeared.

seungmin playfully rolled his eyes, sitting back down on gunils bed and sighing, "jiseok there's literally no use in lying, you get jealous every time she compliments someone else, or if we compliment her. its so obvious that you like her so why lie about it?"

jiseok looked between the three boys, frowning to himself. 'is it that obvious..?' he thought to himself.

"yes dipshit, it's obvious" jungsu said, practically reading his thoughts.

"y/nie im getting sleepy" jooyeon says over the phone, as he yawns.

at this point you and jooyeon have been playing together for a couple hours, it was 2 in the morning and his eyelids were becoming heavier by the second.

"alright jooyeon, lets gets off and go to sleep!! what are the others up to to though?" you ask as you power your computer off, picking up your phone and making your way to the bed.

jooyeon does the same as he lays down, showing gunil in the bed next to his before speaking, "everyone's asleep except jiseok hyung, and im about to be next!"

you smile before directing the camera towards you, smiling to jooyeon before waving, "goodnight jooyeon, talk tomorrow?"

"goodnight y/nie!! see you tomorrow!" he says as he blows a kiss to the camera, hanging up the call.

you plug your phone up, laying under the covers after turning all the lights off. you sit and stare at the ceiling for what seems like days. somehow you cant sleep tonight. you pick your phone up and see that you've only been laying down for a little under an hour.

is anyone up?

im up :)

can you call?

of course.

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