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you frantically run around your house, trying to make sure every room and corner is clean, quickly picking up all your dirty clothes off the ground, tossing them into the washer.

as you're quickly throwing all your dishes into the dishwasher, you hear the doorbell.

'okay shit shit shit shit, do i look okay? so i need to put on perfume? brush my teeth? agh i have no time for that!!' you think to yourself

you quickly take your phone out of your pocket, looking at yourself in the camera before sighing, putting your hand on the doorknob, and opening the door.

on the outside of the door, there's was a stunned jiseok holding three full bags. full of what you ask, all the presents he had prepared for you.

you stood infront of jiseok, looking down as you shifted your weight between your feet, growing nervous.

"jiseok? do you want to come in..?"

he nods, walking inside before putting the bags down beside your couch, turning back around to you, smiling.

you look at him returning the smile, walking up to him before wrapping your arms around jiseok into a hug. he wraps his arms around your waist, laying his head on your shoulder.

"hi y/nie" he mumbles into your shoulder.

you laugh, pulling your head back, but keeping your arms around his neck, "hi jiseok"

he grabbed your hand, leading you to your couch as he sits you down, "here, i want you to open all the presents! you're birthday is only in-" he looks down to his phone at the time before smiling back up to you, "two hours!!"

"alright give them to me!!"

after thirty minutes of opening your presents, you made it to the last one.

the previous presents were just plushies, some cute socks, and five different envelopes containing birthday letters from the other people in our friend group.

"okay y/n close your eyes and put your hands out!" jiseok said, smiling as he held his hands behind his back.

you closed your eyes, cupping your hands infront of you before feeling a small box being put into your hand.

"okay you can open them."

you look over to jiseok, who's too busy looking down at the box in your hand, before opening the box.

inside was a shiny silver necklace, a star in the middle. taking a closer look at the star, you see tiny little gems decorating the outline of the star.

you look up at jiseok, speechless, as you hold the necklace in your hand. you walk over to the boy, once again engulfing him into a hug.

"thank you so much jiseok, this was.. a lot more then i had anticipated.."

"is that bad..?" he asks as he laughs, before looking down to your hand, "do you need help putting the necklace on?"

you nod, handing the necklace to jiseok as you watch him, finding both ends of the necklace and wrapping it around your neck.

as he leaned forward, trying to connect one end of the necklace to the other, you noticed your faces coming very close in contact.

he finally connects the necklace, removing his hands from behind you, but keeping the close proximity.

you lock eyes with him, quickly flicking your eyes down to his lips, and back up to his eyes.

"y/n? can i kiss you?"

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