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"baby could you please stay still" jiseok said slowly, scooting to the other side of the bed.

currently jiseok was over at your house, sleeping with you in your bed as he stayed over the previous night, now wanting sleep.

you turn around, seeing that jiseok moved away from you, and frowned, "seokie.."

jiseok turned around before smiling to himself, scooting back towards you as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest to lay his chin on your head.

"i'm sorry baby, let's go back to sleep, okay?"

you wrap your arms back around his torso, burying your head into his chest before sighing, "okay, goodnight jiseok"

"goodnight baby, i love you"

"i love you more"

"you want to bet?"

end :)

sorry guys idk how to end story's but i'll learn soon enough :P

thank u for reading and i hope u all enjoyed :3

have a nice day :D

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