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Third person pov

It's Blake's football game today, he's nervous. Too nervous. Who would want to even swim in cow poop!

As Blake and his team are changing into their outfits, people are sitting on the beaches with popcorn and drinks.

Blake's parent's and brothers, and his baby sister Auoura are sitting down.

If Blake was honest, he doesn't care if he swims in cow poop. He just want to win for Auoura, since it's Auoura's first time watching him play, he want to win for her.

A few minutes later Blake and his team goes out in the filed, Blake and his team and the other team gets in their place.

The game then starts, Blake get the football then runs, he passes it to one of his team mates and they run as they hold the football. Another player and one of the opposite team player, number three who is holding the football throws it to his team mate number eight but then the team captain on the other side gets the football as he runs and jumps as it lands in his arms. He then runs but get tackled by Blake.

( A/n I'm not really good or don't know much about football, so I'm sorry if it's bad )

Alexander pov

It's now the last round. It's 12/11, I'm surprised Aurora isn't crying or anything.

Auoura laughs when some of the boys on the field get tackled and fall to the ground. Everyone looks at her smiling, I mean who can't? Her laugh is so cute and beautiful.

Two teams get in position, Blake holds the football.

The game then starts, Blake and his friends then runs. Blake tosses the football to one of his team mates, number four then runs and runs, one of the other team mate of the opposite side runs towards number four but he runs the different way, number four then toses the football at Blake, Blake runs and runs. I look at the score and we a jump and cheer.


I then look at Blake he jumps as him and his team members smile and cheer.

Cheerleaders then walk towards Blake, but Blake ignores them and runs towards us. The cheerleaders and his team mates look at him.

He then grabs Auoura and and hugs her and he spins around. Auoura laughs as we all look at her with adoration.

"I did it! Now I don't have to swim in cow poop, and you saw my first game where I win!" Blake says happily as everyone laugh's.

"I baby girl." Blake says as he plants a kiss on Auoura's forehead.

"Who have a sister?" One of Blake's team mates say as all of his team mates look at Auoura with adoration.

"Ah yes this is Auoura." Blake says.

"Mr, Romano, you really couldn't keep it in your pants, uh?" One of Blake's friends say as we laugh.

"We actually adopted her." Salvatore said as they nod.

"But she's so little to be in for adoption." A man says who was sitting next to us.

"Dad saved her, her parents where in a car crash, that's when she was going home from the hospital." Liam explains as they nod.

"Ok we can't blame Blake. He would rather come to this cutie then those cheerleaders." Blake friend says as we all laugh, Auoura makes cute baby sounds. This girl got us wrapped around her tiny little finger, and she doesn't even know it.

"Awww, she's going to have so many boys going for her." A woman says, me and my son's eyes darken.

"Omg! Yesss. Just imagine her first date! Ah her first kiss! Even her babies will look so cute! Omg! I can't wait to see her walking down the aisle in a wh-" Bella says but Salvatore cuts her off.

"No, no first kiss or date. SHE WILL NOT HAVE KIDS! She will not get married, she will not have babies! She will not even go away from us! She's ours we called dios on her so she's ours! And we, Romano's do NOT share!" Salvatore says as me and my son's all nod, the woman's glares at us.

"Surrrre." Bella says dragging the word.

"Time for the Legendary to swim in cow poop!" One of Blake's team mates say as the other team frowns and throw their water on the floor.

A few men then drags in a pool of cow poop.

"Ewwww" everyone says as some cover or crunch their nose.

"Ok, remember, you guys get ten minutes have to swim in the cow poop. If one of you get out and the time is over you will have to reveal threw secrets. Oh and also your parents left, they didn't want to take you guys home when you be smelling like that." The principal says on a microphone.

"In five seconds you'll get in.





One... Go!" The principal says the kids then goes in the cow poop as people laugh and stuff.

It's been about four minutes.

"Im sorry I can't." A boy says he then gets out.

"Reveal your secrets!" Blake and his friends all shout.

"I slept with Wills girlfriend." The boy says.

"I know, I told her to. Ah but thank you for a pack of cigarettes and a few thousand dollars." A boy says who I'm assuming is Will, he's wearing a football suit. He's one of Blake's friends. Everyone laughs as they record.

"I slept with my couch so I can play this game tonight thinking we'd win." He says as everyone's eyes widen, Blake and his team mates all laugh.

You guys know the science teacher? She's my mum." The boy says as everyone laugh.

/ / /

As we arrive home we all go in the living room and sit down.

"Oh guys I found this app and it's like a tracker so I won't lose my phone! It's so cool!" Liam says.

"You are so stupid, we can just track your phone." Aden says as he hits Liam upside the head.

"Oh." Liam says frowing as Auoura laughs.

"Well you had to ruin my mood." Liam says glaring at Aden.

"Ok, boys it's late, get some rest." I said as they all nod, we then start to get up and get ready for bed.

Our family is complete.

How's this chapter?! Thank you guys for all reading. Thank you guys for 2.01K, please countine reading and please vote!

Counted words: 1085

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