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Salvatore pov

I wake up next to Auoura sleeping on my chest. I stay on the couch laying down so I don't wake Auoura up.

A few minutes later Auoura wakes up smiling.

"Hi." Auoura says smiling, her voice is go cute and gentle.

"Hi." I said smiling back. she climbs off me and stands up on the floor.

"Mama." Auoura says, I pick her up and walk to my mom.

Once I arrive, I knock on the door.

"Come in!" I hear my mom shout. I then open the door, I walk in seeing my mom on the bed.

She looks up smiling "Well hello." She says smiling at Auoura.

"Mama." Auoura says smiling at mom, mom then takes Aurora in her arms.

"Are you hungry?" My mom ask Auoura as she nods.

I then leave to go to my dad's office, as I arrive at the door I knock.

"Come in!" I hear, I then open the door going in. I see my dad on the black leather chair looking through papers.

"Hello dad." I said as he looks up at me.

"Hi son." He says smiling I then go sit down as two chairs are placed in front of his desk.

"What are you working on?" I ask.

"Someone broke into one of our wherehouses, they sold about fourteen stocks, that worth a out seventeenth million." My dad says as I nod.

"I'm trying to find out who could of took it." He added.

"Have you found out about the Germans? Their quiet now, too quiet." I said as he puts his papers down.

"That's true, they've haven't made a move in about four months. It's like they've disappeared." He says as we look at each other.

"We've been enimies for a thousand centuries. They e been quite since they've attacked us." My father says, I remember the stories he'd tell me and Luca about their wars and fights. It's just been the usual them wanting all the power and money.

"I have a spy who I'll be putting in their mafia, he'll be recruited as a new recrew." My dad said as I nod.

Bella pov

As I get Auoura some clean clothes I turn back, my eyes widen not seeing Auoura.

"Auoura?!" I said with fear, she must be in the house, somewhere, she has to be.

I then start to look for her.

Auoura pov

As mommy is looking for some clean clothes for me, I get up off the bed.

I then go to find Sav, I then run out the room.

I smile as I feel his presence...but it's far. I then go to him as I feel his presence.

A few mi later I smile as I look up at a big door. The doors to big, but it's ok. In a few years be able to open it!

I then knock, a big tall man who has drawling on his arms then open the door, I look up at him.

My neck hurts.

I then look to see Sav and daddy.

"Sav, daddy!" I said I run to them with my  legs.

Third pov

"Sav, daddy!" Auoura shouts as she sees her oldest brother and dad, she then runs towards them.

"Hello, my love." Auoura dad, Alexander says, as Auoura climps on her dads lap.

"Daddy, that man has drawling on just like you and Sav." Auour whisper's as Alexander and Salvatore laugh.

The man, who open the door laughs a bit at Auoura's cuteness.

"He does." Alexander says smiling.

"Now what are you doing her?" Salvatore ask.

"I went to find you." Aurora says.

A few minutes later Bella comes in busting the door open.

"I can't find Aurora. Find Auoura! If you don't find my princess I'm going to kill every one of you!" Bella shouts.

"Mama?" Auoura says, Bella then looks down at her husbands lap to see her little princess.

She closes her eyes I'm relive.

"Ah princess, you scared me to death. You cannot be running off like that?" Bella says.

"Mama, you can't kwll people that bad, bad bad." Auoura says moving her finger around.

"I'm sorry my love. Come on, do you still want to go in the pool?" Bella ask as she goes to her husband she then picks Auoura up as she nods, wanting to go on the pool.

Bella leaves with her daughter in her arms. She's happy and relieved that her daughter is safe.

The worst thing a mother can go through is losing her child. It's a nightmare for a mother. If a mother loses her child, they'd bring hell to world. The best thing a child can have is his/her mother's love. Every child deserves a child's love. Once a mother loses her child, a part of her dies, she sad. Especially if it's her only child, they'll feel nothing but feeling num. It's like their intire world stoped spinning and just froze, like they have nothing to live for.

Bella does not want to go though that with Aurora or the rest of her boys, Bella loves her children deeply. She always wanted a small little family but a loving husband, but instead she got a big family with a loving family, and she couldn't ask for more.

She has everything thing she needs and always wanted since she was little.

And she'll cherish them and it all.

Ok, so I might not be updated on Friday and Saturday, Sunday because of a trip I'll be going to, but here is a chapter for today. Thank you guys for all reading and voting even commiting.

Counted words: 944

New book: My name?

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