Luca pov
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The man screams in pain as my once sweet little pure inoccent little sister tortures him.
Me my brother and dad eyes widen with fear. Poor man, but he's the tradior and my dad and Salvatore would've done the same thing. But not kill him like that...that's nasty.
My dad, my brother and myself are hiding in what looks like to be a basement.
"Now! Tell me. What's Anton up to, uh?" Auoura ask as our eyes darken at the name.
"I-" His perice screams cuts him off.
"Wrong answer buddy!" Auoura says giggle.
EVIL! I'm scared I think I just have pissed in my pants.
See I knew it! It's always the inoccent ones. The inoccent ones are mean, pure evil, but cute! But mean!
It's like they're in disguise.
"I'll ask again. What. Is. Anton. Up. To?" She questions.
"M - my Queen. AHHH." He shouts. Why did he call her his Queen? Once he called her that her eyes dakrened, and she stabbed him.
"I am not your Queen!" She splats, he smiles.
"You are our Queen and will be. You do not like it, that's sad. Anton is crazy for you. You are not just our Queen... you're his Queen, but mostly his. Anton wanted to wait til you where eighteen, but he's starting to be a very impatient man." The man says.
"No! I will not marry him!" Auoura shouts.
Marry him? NO.
"You are a stupid child. You may not to, but he'll force you. There is no way out. You where his to begin with." The man says chulking at the end.
"W - what do you mean, I was his to begin with?" Auoura ask walking closer to the man. The man smirks.
"Your bilogical and your people are special but you seem to be the most powerful one of all. Your parents...they worked with Anton. They worked for him, why do you think that when we trained you everyone - our people where succeeding in killing the other Mafia's. So technically you where always working for us. Anton has always owned you. So you see..."
"Years ago before you where born, your parents where known as powerful witch's, and you know what happens when you combind a powerful and anothor powerful object." The man says.
"You'll create something much more powerful...deadlier." Auoura says as realization hits her.
"Your parents didn't want to involve you into that stuff, so they took off with you once you were born. Since then we've been trying to find you. Anton wanted you as a weapon but once he saw you, he didn't want you as a weapon not as a friend, he wanted more way more than that." The man says.
Auoura doesn't speak nor move, she stays frozen. Tears swell in her eyes. She closes her eyes and takes a breathe out. She then opened her eyes, they're cold, dark and angery. The tears are gone. They're no light, no shine nor brighting.
Aurora laughs, her smile wide her eyes widening as she laughs smiling. Her eyes darking.
She then leaves laughing.
Auoura pov
As I arrive at my room, I lay on my bed sighing.
He's always own me. He was right. I'll never be able to be free. I'm stuck. Forever.
Anothor chapter! Thank y'all for reading. I appreciate you guys all, here is another chapter tho. Good night, good morning, good evening, good after noon...and I think that's all.
Counted words: 605

Non-FictionFINISHED. 12/25/23 Second book will posted on February 10, is called 'Lost.' Will have a sequel to this book. Aurora is a new born baby. When her parents take her to her new home a accident happens. Alexander Romano the most powerful deadliest fear...