(A/n ok real quick if their are typing errors or miss spelling I want to say sorry, because I'm a fast typer also because of the auto corrects. So I'm sorry again. )
Bella pov
As me and my family look at Aulora she smiles. She then looks around the living room. Aulora is sitting down on the couch while my husband and sons are watching her, even my friend Lizzie and her husband James.
"Je verrai des mots sous ta porte
Sous la lune chantante
Près de l'endroit où tes pieds passent
Caché parmi les trous d'hiver
Et quand tu te retrouves seul un instant.
Embrasse-moi quand tu veux
Embrasse-moi quand tu veux
Embrasse-moi quand tu veux."(A/n she sings ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ )
Translation: I'll see words under your door
Under the singing moon
Near the place where your feet past
Hidden amongst winter holes
And when you find yourself alone for an instant.
Kiss me whenever you want
Kiss me whenever you want
Kiss me whenever you wantLanguage: French
I smile at the sound of her voice, it's beautiful, soft and gentle.
"Does anyone know what she said?" Salvatore ask as we shake our head no not knowing.
"I'll see words under your door. Under the singing moon.
Near the place where your feet past. Hidden amongst winter holes.
And when you find yourself alone for an instant. Kiss me whenever you want. Kiss me whenever you want. Kiss me whenever you want. That's what she said." Lizzie said as we nod.How does she know a different language?
"What language is it?" I ask.
"French." Lizzie said as we nod.
A few minutes later we then go towards Aurora who is eating grapes.
"Hello papa and mama." Aurora says smiling looking at us.
"Hello my princess." Salvatore says as my son's and him bow at her as she giggles.
"Hello my prince." She says giggling.
"Sweetie, how is Ms. Lynn?" Alexander ask.
Ms. Lynn is Aurora's teacher. Ms. Lynn says that Aulora is very smart, that she should be in a first grade, but we said no just Incase.
"She's very... weird." Aurora says.
"How?" I ask.
"I don't know, I saw her put white powder in my drink, so then i dumped it outside because we where outside. But then a few seconds later the plant died." Aurora says with a sad expression when she talked about the plant.
My eyes widen in anger.
"That fucker!" Salvatore shouts in anger. Aurora looks at him as she shakes her head.
Salvatore then gives her a lollipop as Aulora eyes lit up.
The boys and Aurora made a bet, if the boys cuss or say a bad word they have to give Aulora a lollipop. Let's just say it looks like Auoura went trick or treating.
"Sweetie, um you won't have Ms. Lynn as your teacher, you'll get a new one." Lizzie says as Aulora nods.
We then leave and wait for Ms. Lynn in Alexander office.
A few minutes later Ms. Lynn comes in.
"Sit." Alexander orders My. Lynn with a cold face and cold dark voice tone. Ms. Lynn sits down a bit scared.
"I - is everything ok?" Lynn questions scared.
"You put powder in my daughter's drink? Why is that?" I ask angery as she gulps.
"S - she was s - sick." Lynn lies.
"Really? My daughter, Aulora has never ever gotten sick before. And if she was sick we'd know and you wouldn't be teaching her she'd be in bed resting." I said as Lynn eyes show fear.
"I - I've never done that." She said as Salvatore slams his hands on the desk making her flinch.
He then gets up and angerliy walks towards her and grabs her by the neck.
"Who are you? Why did you try to poison my sister!?" He shouts as her eyes hold tears and fear.
"S - stop." He chokes out as tears roll down her eyes. I fell bad for the girl but she deserves it.
"Take her to the basement, we need information from her than we can kill her." Alexander says, Salvatore let's her go then two other guards get her they look at her with disgust and anger. Everyone here loves Auoura, they sometimes play with her when they can.
A few minutes later they leave dragging her out by the hair. I wince, even I can feel the pain.
But she deserves it.
"Who do you think she is?" Blake ask.
"I don't know but she could be working for someone. Tomorrow we'll get it out of her." Salvatore says as we all nod.
Salvatore pov
That fucking bitch thinks she could get away with that? Uh, I'm going to toture her so bad she'll be begging for me to kill her.
That's a promise.
I leave the office angery, as I arrive in the kitchen, my angery face then turns soft and gentle as I see my baby sister coloring.
"Bubby, do you like my drawing?" She ask as she turns behind her as she looks at me, showing me her drawling.
I wonder, how does she know when we show up or near her?
I mean where Mafia men, even our enim or the most best trained men don't know when we're behind them or something.
"Yes, it's beautiful." I said honestly looking at the her drawling of a flower, her drawling are getting better and better. Man even my drawings look like a two year old. Do NOT make fun of me.
I then sit down next her.
"Would you like a juice box?" I ask her as she looks at me nodding.
I get up and walk to the fridge and get an apple juice box. I close the fridge and walk back to Aulora and hand it to her. She thanks me then gets it.
Another thing about Auoura, she got's some good matters. Very very good matters, probably even better than a King or Queen. I also must add Aurora a bit scary, do NOT get on her bad side. Liam and Aden learned that when they hide her favorite shoes. The next day Aden's cigarettes, books and his airpods and headphones even earplugs where hidden. Liam's favorite jacket and all the ice creams where all hidden. We then found out that she has a secret place safe in the house and hid them. Liam and Aden are still trying to find that hidden place. It's been a three months and they are still looking for it!
"Bubby?" Aurora says as I look at her.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Why?" Aurora questions as I get confused looking at her.
I gulp as she looks at me seriously.
"Why did you take me in? I'm not your real sister, so why did you guys take me in and take care of me?" She ask as my eyes wide.
How the hell did she know? My eyes hold anger, she is my real sister, blood or not she's MINE, OURS. Ok but to be fair she is mine, I mean she likes me best. Not to bride but uh, I'm her favorite and I will always be.
But who told her?
Who do you think Lynn is? Why was she trying to kill or what was she trying to do to Auoura?
Counted words: 1228

Non-FictionFINISHED. 12/25/23 Second book will posted on February 10, is called 'Lost.' Will have a sequel to this book. Aurora is a new born baby. When her parents take her to her new home a accident happens. Alexander Romano the most powerful deadliest fear...