Salvatore pov
"W - what do you mean? Who told you that?" I questioned.
"No one." She says looking back at her drawling.
"Then how do you know?" I ask.
"I remember, didn't my dad come here and tell you guys something thing shoot himself?" She ask as my eyes widen.
"How do you know that?" I questioned.
"I remember." She says.
I get her in my arms and sit her down in my lap.
"Doesn't matter if you're blood or not, your ours. Daughter and sister you're ours. Ok?" I said as she nods smiling.
"Ok. You're still my favorite big brother tho." She whispers as I smirk
I knew it!
"Oh I know." I whisper smirking as she giggles.
She then hugs me, and I mean a big hug.
"Bubba?" She ask as I look at her.
"Say a bad word for me." She says as I look at her confused.
"I want more candy. Me and Liam are trying to see who can get the most candy. So uh do me a favor." She says as I laugh.
"Sorry can't do." I said she then frowns but smirks at me. I gulp.
"Will is my boyfriend." She says smiling as she blushes.
"No he is not. That fucker, I'm going to beat the living shit out of him!" I shout she giggles as I look at her a bit angery.
She then sticks up two fingers.
"You owe me two candies." She says smiling wildly as I looks at her dumpfoled.
Hopefully no one heard.
I then give her the last two lollipops, I wanted those! They where both Cherry's, my favorite.
"By the way he's my best friend. Y'all boys are weird." She says.
I then hear someone clear their throat, we look to see the rest of my brothers.
"Just so you know, we." Aden says pointing at him and the rest "Are men." He finishes off.
"Men aren't scared off flys, bugs, spiders, or a big big dog." Aulora says crossing her arms as she stares at them.
"The dog has that spikey chain on its neck, it had big sharp teeth and it looked so mean and scary!" Blake says.
"What would those cheerleaders think?" Aulora says as she sign as Blake's eyes widen.
"You wouldn't dare." He says glaring at her as I chulcke.
"Oh brother, do you wanna try me?" Aurora ask as she glares back but ten times stronger and colder.
"N - no." He says as Aulora then smiles happily.
"Ok." She then gets off my lap and skips out the kitchen with a huge smile.
"S - she's s- scary." Blake says as we all nod.
Aurora pov ( She's back! )
As I go to my room i smile. I then get the book, that I'm only aloud to read. Not too long ago, mom dad and the rest of my family tried to open the book.... again, they couldn't open it.
I then start to look at them.
" Truth spell
With the power of the Universe coursing through my veins, I lift the veil from my eyes.

Non-FictionFINISHED. 12/25/23 Second book will posted on February 10, is called 'Lost.' Will have a sequel to this book. Aurora is a new born baby. When her parents take her to her new home a accident happens. Alexander Romano the most powerful deadliest fear...