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Bella pov

As I hold Auoura in my arms I smile looking down at her. She's so beautiful, the cutest baby I've ever seen, I'll be honest my son's were so cute when they where babies, but Aurora is the cutest.

It's been a week since Auoura as been here with us. Auoura has beautiful brown eyes, and Black hair, she had only a little bit of hair.

We've all been with her and playing with Auoura especially my son's.

Liam always skips his homework and plays with Auoura. Blake skips his football practice, Alessandro draws pictures of her, Aden got a tattoo of her name on his wriest so everyone can see. Luca also got a tattoo of Auoura's name with butterflies around it. Salvatore takes a whole bunch of pictures with and videos with her, she manges to something very cute in all the pictures and videos. My husband, Alexander played and watches her. When he does fills out paperwork Aurora stays by him but he can't work good because he's busy laughing and looking at Aurora, me on the other hand takes Auoura out shopping to get more cute baby clothes and toys. The bodyguards love Auoura they always smile when they see her. The bodyguards usually just stand their with a cold face like a statue but when Aurora is around they always laugh and smile at her cuteness. The maids love to play and watch Auoura, the maids also got some baby fever, especially the bodyguards as well, who knew cold hearted men can be so soft towards to small baby?

I'm currently sitting down in my room on the bed about to wash Auoura. I get up with Auoura in my arms. Auoura looks at me with a smile her eyes

"Always protect you my princessa." I wisper , I then peck her forehead as she laughs and I smile wide.

I then get the baby holder for I can lay her on and bathe her. I then out the thing in the shower on the floor. I go back to my bed where Aurora lays with pillows surround - ing her. I get a diaper ready and her clothes I then get Auoura in my arms and walk her to the bathroom. I then sit down on a step -  stool and start to wash Auoura with a cloth.

About 25 minutes later I finished. I get a towel and wrap Aurora in it. I then get her and get her to the bed. I put on the diaper and clothes.

Once I'm done I get Auoura in my arms and go down stairs. I head to the kitchen, I then put Auoura on my hip and get her milk ready as my arm holds her.

About 5 minutes later I hold the bottle for Auoura so she can eat.

"Hello, the love of my life's." Alexander says as I smile.

"Hi." I said.

"How is our Princessa doing?" Alexander ask.

"Good, oh hey a few days ago did you get my phone and put it in the fridge?" I ask.

"No, maybe on of the boys did." Alexander says.

"Mhmm, no I asked they said no."

"Did you do you're scary mom voice and eyes?"

"Yes, but they said no."

"Mhmm, that's weird." He says as I nod. Auoura then starts to make baby laughs.

"Is that funny?" I said with a baby voice as I tickle Auoura.

I then out the bottle back in her mouth so she can eat.

About 6 minutes later she finishes I get a wrag on my sholder so I can burp her.

About 10 minutes later she burped and threw up. I then clean her mouth and throw the wrag in the dirty clothes so we can use for next time.

I then go in the living room and put Aurora on my lap.

Aurora starts to smile and laugh, her hands go up, she's happy.... excited, but I'm not sure why.

A few seconds later Salvatore than comes in and Auoura smiles looking at Salvatore.

"Hiii!" Salvatore says getting Aurora.

"I feel so betrayed." I said smiling.

"Ugh! Why does she live you more than us? Did you guys notice when she gets happy and all excited than like a few seconds later Salvatore comes in?" Liam questions with a pout.

"I actually noticed that's too. She just did it." I said.

"Oh, to you're question, I'm loveable, she's likes me better." Salvatore says as the boys glare at him.

"Sure." Liam says dragging the word as we all laugh and they sit.

A few seconds later Auoura starts to cry and kick her legs.

"Shhhh. What's wrong Principessa?" Salvatore says as Aurora cries more.

"capo, capo, where under attack!" One of the guards from the gates say.

Alexander comes in with a panicked face.

"Quickly get Auoura and go underground for safe, Blake and Liam, go!" Alexander says, Salvatore gives me Aurora and we go.

As we arrive we go down and sit down, theirs food diapers and wipes for us, it's like a house.

"Mom, did you also notice another thing?" Liam asked me.

"No, what about?" I whisper.

"Like when Nicole came, Aurora cried and kicked and just like today she did the same thing." Liam said.

"That's true." I said.

"Probably a gut feeling." I said as they both nod. I smile looking at Auoura as I wipe a few tears from her cheek.

"It's ok." I wisper pulling Aurora to me.

We then hear guns, from shooting and screaming.

About 30 minutes later the shooting and screaming stop.

The door opens and I see Salvatore and Alexander.

"All the men that came in are dead." Alexander says we then get out.

"Who where they?" I asked.

"You know the Germans? Petrov, he got his man to attacked." Alexander says.

"Isn't he the king of the Germans? Didn't he kill his brother and father?" I questioned.

"Yea. It's dangerous for Aurora to be here, but we'll protect her. When she is older enough will give her training so she can protect herself." Alexander says as we nod.

"Boy go clean yourself." Alexander says, Salvatore and Luca nod leaving.

I then go to my room and lay down beside Aurora so she can take her nap.

"Don't worry, Principessa. Well take care and protect you with our life's." I wisper.

A few minutes later Aurora's eyes closed and she falls asleep. I don't close my eyes, I just look at Auoura sleeping.

My sweet baby girl, rest.

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