Chapter 27

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"Phi, I'm asking you... if you're the one in this picture," Nook said, showing Gemini a picture on her phone. It was a picture of Gemini and Fourth kissing.

Gemini recognized the picture immediately. It was taken on his birthday when Fourth had kissed him. The question was, who had taken the photo?

"Yes, it's me. And I'm dating Fourth. And about your feelings... thank you, and I'm sorry, but I can't—"

"Disgusting," Nook spat.

"Nook," Gemini tried to reason.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING," Nook screamed before running away.

Her outburst drew the attention of other students who were busy with their own activities.

"It's ridiculous to see that a man who's perfectly admired by many people is gay and rejected a girl better than him," someone sneered.

"Perth, you... you're the one who gave the picture to Nook."

Perth Tanapon.

The son of the first owner of Tanapon-Norawit High School. A man who always hated Gemini because his own family constantly compared him to Gemini, often wishing Gemini was their son instead. While Gemini was popular for being a good guy, an ideal man, Perth was popular for being a bad guy, someone everyone hated.  Of course, no one could do anything to him because he was the son of the school's owner.

"Yes, it's me, Gemini. Hahahaha... And look everyone, the person you have a crush on is gay. What disgusting news!" Perth said, his voice dripping with malice.

"So what if he's gay?"

The members of the Mommy Fanclub spoke up in unison.

"What did you say...?" Perth turned to face the girls, who stood with their arms crossed, angry looks on their faces.

"What generation are we in? We can love anyone! So mind your own business," one of the Mommy Fanclub girls retorted.

"Hahhh, are you blind? The person you like is dating a guy."

"So what? If our Gemini likes a guy, we support it. And we're not toxic fans who cross the line just because we like him. We love and respect Gemini. So if Gemini is happy dating Fourth, we can only be happy for him too," another girl said, her voice firm.

"You're fucking insane," Perth muttered, defeated by the Mommy Fanclub's unwavering support.

"Tchh, he's just insecure about Gemini. That's why he's doing this. P'Gemini kha, don't mind him. We're always here to defend you whenever that shia Perth tries to cause trouble for you both," the Mommy Fanclub girls promised.

"Krub, thank you so much," Gemini said, smiling gratefully at the group.

"AHHHHHH... Gemini kha.... Don't smile at us like that....."

The Mommy Fanclub girls shrieked in delight as Gemini flashed them a wide, genuine smile. Gemini and Fourth could only shake their heads and laugh at their enthusiastic reaction.


"Ai'Shia... Gemini... Fourth, how come we only found out about your relationship after everyone else?" Winny complained to the two lovers.

"Sorry krub, Ai'Winny," Gemini apologized.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Gemini. We already knew before you said anything," Satang said.

"How?" Fourth asked, looking at the two love-birds.

"Tchh, because you two were so obvious. We already felt it during the camping trip," Winny said, shrugging.

"But... I'm happy for you both. You know, the main topic of conversation here is about you two. You're the most famous couple," Satang said, teasing them playfully.

"Wait, what time is it, Gemini?" Fourth suddenly asked.

"It's already 5:00 PM. Why, Fourth?" Gemini replied.

"I forgot something in the library. Wait for me here," Fourth said, preparing to leave.

"Ahh, me too. I forgot something there as well. Let's go together, Ai'Fourth," Winny said eagerly.

"Ohhh, then... Fourth, we'll go to the lab first. Just come there later when you're done," Gemini said, pulling Satang, who didn't want to be separated from his boyfriend, along with him.


A girl with beautiful features approached a man who was drinking alcohol at the back of the school.

The man looked up at her and said, "Say it. I don't waste my time on pathetic people like me."

"You don't want to take revenge?" the girl asked.

The man sneered. "If I take my revenge, my family will kill me for sure."

"But... if they don't know... we're the ones who do it. Only the two of us. And the person we hired. Are you not willing?"

The man thought about what the girl said. Finally, he agreed. "Okay. Just the two of us, N'Nook."

"Kha, P'Perth," the girl replied, a chilling smile spreading across her face.


"Ai'Gemini, you're a cruel man. Why'd you bring me here? You know my future profession is a lawyer, not a doctor," Satang complained, grumbling at the man who was busy with his experiment.

"Just be quiet, Satang. I'm almost done," Gemini said, focused on his work.

"Ah, ah, then let me go to the restroom first. I need to pee," Satang said, hurrying away.

"Ohh, Satang, you said you wanted to pee. Why are you here?" Gemini said, not looking up from his experiment, assuming Satang had changed his mind.

But when Gemini didn't hear Satang's voice, he finally looked up.

He was shocked when the person approaching him threw something in his face.



"So that's what you forgot, Ai'Fourth. Your own law book," Winny said, looking at Fourth.

"Yes..." Fourth replied.

"Fourth, you know, as a friend of Gemini, I really want to say thank you," Winny said sincerely.

"Thank you for what?" Fourth asked, confused.

"Nothing, it's just, I'm so happy. Because when we first met Gemini, even though he was smiling on the outside, we felt he wasn't truly happy inside. But when he met you, we could see the real Gemini smile again," Winny said, tapping Fourth's shoulder lightly.

Fourth smiled at Winny, but he thought to himself that he was even happier when Gemini had entered his life.

Suddenly, Satang burst through the library doors, his face pale and filled with fear and nervousness. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Winny... Fourth... Gemini...
There is
something bad that happened to Gemini."


The disaster is here 😭..

Thank you for reading ☺️

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