Chapter 28

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"Satang... Winny... Where's my son?" A worried voice suddenly approached the three high school students sitting in the hospital's waiting area.

"Auntie krub..."

"Excuse me, who is a member of the Norawit family?" the doctor asked, emerging from the patient room.

"I'm his mother, doc," Gemini's mother said.

"Mr. Norawit is safe now. Because his brain was affected by hydrochloric acid, he temporarily lost his memories, but don't worry, he can regain them in a short time when he catches a glimpse of or sees something familiar to him." The doctor explained.

Gemini's parents, who had been struggling to breathe for a long time, relaxed slightly upon hearing this. But the doctor's next words made their knees go weak and caused Gemini's mother to cry.

"But the worst scenario... About his eyes, his eyes are the most affected. Hydrochloric acid is known for causing blindness if it gets in your eyes. Ma'am krub, if tomorrow Gemini can't find a donor willing to transplant their eyesight to Gemini, Gemini...  Gemini will be blind for the rest of his life, and even a transplant might be hopeless."

"So he's become useless now."

An old man's voice suddenly spoke as the doctor finally left.

"Por, how could you say that?" Gemini's father said, looking at Gemini's grandfather.

"Why, I'm only telling the truth. He's not only become useless. He's even dating a guy. How ridiculous is that, huh? Both of you, is this how you raised Gemini? Phuwin would be much better for him now." Gemini's grandfather said before leaving, but he never forgot to glare at the three high school boys.


"Por, what should we do? We can't find a person who will be a donor in such a short time." Gemini's mother said, crying so hard now.

But both the married couple looked up when they heard the door to Gemini's hospital room suddenly open and a man slowly approached them.

"You are..."

"Hello krub Ma'am, I'm Fourth krub."


"Ma'am krub, I want to be a donor to transplant my eyesight to Gemini." Fourth said, looking at Gemini's parents.

The two married couples suddenly stood up. Gemini's mother held Fourth's shoulder.

"You're Gemini's lover. But... How could you say that, son? Are you really sure about this? What about your life? Your future, Fourth?"

"Ma'am krub, I've already thought about it, about my future. Ma'am krub, Gemini's future is more important. Gem always dreamed of becoming a successful doctor, not only to make you proud but also to help people who want to live in this world. If he loses his eyesight, how can he fulfill that? Me and my grandma are the only ones left in our family. And even if I lose my eyesight, I have nothing to lose this way. I'll only accompany my grandma for the rest of my life." Fourth said, looking at Gemini who was lying in bed.

"If that's so, son, thank you so much. But can you please tell me whatever you want? Everything, I will do it." Gemini's mother said.

"Ma'am krub, I'm not asking for anything in return. But can I just request something? Ma'am krub, can you not tell Gemini who his donor is? And can you never tell him everything about me and our relationship?" Fourth said.


"Ma'am krub, you know your son's personality. If he knows about this, he'll live his life full of guilt and maybe he'll never forgive himself. So please, Ma'am krub." Fourth said, pleading.

The married couple looked at each other, and Gemini's mother could only nod to Fourth's request.


"Shia... Fourth... Are you crazy? If Gemini knows about this..." Winny said to Fourth when he heard that Fourth was the one who volunteered to be a donor.

"It's okay, Winny. He lost his memories, so he'll never remember me." Fourth said, smiling.

"Fourth, are you really sure about this?" Satang said worriedly.


"So you're my grandson's donor?"

When the three of them saw Gemini's grandfather standing in front of them in the waiting area.

"So what do you want? If it's about money, I can give it to you. And about this accident, I'll ask someone to erase the evidence of everything so Gemini won't know about this, including the three of you. So can you ever not show up to Gemini? So he can live his life peacefully?" Gemini's grandfather said.

"You're so cruel, sir. It's okay for us if both me and Satang are the only ones not allowed to show up to Gemini. But Fourth, he's your grandson's donor and also his lover." Winny said, feeling like he really wanted to punch the old man's face right now, but Satang kept holding him back to calm him down.

"Sir krub, I never hoped for any return. I do this because I love your grandson, not because of money or anything else. And don't worry, krub, after this operation, I will disappear from your grandson's life." Fourth said in his stern voice, looking at the old man in front of him.


Winny could only call out Fourth's name weakly.

The old man only sneered and glared at them before he left.



Fourth, who was alone in the room, looked at his lover who was still lying in bed sleeping.

"Gem, sorry. If someday your memories come back, I'm afraid you will scold me about my decision." Fourth said, smiling.

"You said to me before, you like my eyes right because they're sparkling whenever you see them? Hahahah. So now you need to take care of them."

"Gem, thank you for everything in the short time that we were together. I'm so happy that I will never forget everything, every memory we have."

"Gem, I think this is the last time I'll see you. I want to look at you for a long time, so every part of your face will never erase from my mind." Fourth said, crying now, holding Gemini's hand.

"Gem, I hope someday I can see you become successful, see you in your uniform as a doctor."

"Mr. Nattawat, excuse me, but the doctor said the operation will start now, so you need to be prepared." The nurse said, opening the door and reminding Fourth.

"Okay, krub." Fourth said, wiping his tears.

Before Fourth left, he looked at Gemini one last time and said,

"I... I love you, Gemini. Take care and... Goodbye."

And the door closed inside Gemini's room.


A man got off the bus and walked slowly using his white cane with the dog following him.

"Grandma." A man called out to the old woman who was planting vegetables.

"Fourth, Grandson." The old woman hurriedly stood up and hugged him.


"Shhhh, it's okay. Grandma is here. Everything's going to be okay, hah."



Our flashbacks end here kha~

{An: If someone of you is confused about why Gemini's memories didn't come back when he first met Fourth, if his memories will come back if he sees the person or has a glimpse of them, it's because it's been eight years since they met each other again, so of course Gemini's brain can't function that quickly 😆 (but he can still feel the familiarity to Fourth). That's why when Gemini sees the picture of him together with Fourth, that part is so obvious that the two of them are not just strangers. That's why his brain functions to the memories he lost.}

Thank you for reading 😊

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