Certified lover- 1

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Madison Snow

Literature might just be my favourite subject to this day. I know it's a bit of a cliche but just thinking about the limited amount of words in the world we use everyday, and how we all use those same words to make different things that are entirely subjective to our imagination. The number of stories, or songs, poems, abbreviations we make are all within the same language. The same words.

If you took a story and removed all the words and placed them in-front of you, I guarantee you could make about 4 other stories with different endings and characters without changing anything but word order.

And that's what I'm doing right now. Poetry.

Ms. Andrews was our English teacher and she was adamant that each student had a side they hide to everyone else. Something that our subconscious would accidentally reveal within our writing. Our poems. So she set us a task for homework, 18 year olds doing homework sounds ridiculous but it's true.

We have to write about something that is close to home. But I've been sat in the canteen for an hour straight looking at plain paper because nothing comes to mind.

The words are simply not wording.

"Isn't he a sight to look at?"

I looked over to Arielle who was gawking at one of the football boys, I smirked slightly and softly wolf whistled to which made her look back at me, the boy looked at me too unfortunately and gave me a nod. A nod, seriously? Lukas playfully smacked my arm and Arielle giggled at the small gesture the boy made.

"You two are worse than all the football boys put together."

Ari put her hand on her chest and dramatically gasped, "I wouldn't go that far, although if I did have a penis I'd so be swinging it about like a helicopt-"

"Wouldn't you rather put it in a donut-"

"I don't want to hear anymore."

We all laughed and Lukas smirked as someone else entered the dining hall, "Uh oh, incoming." Arielle turned to look at who was entering at the same time as I did and she quickly stopped laughing as my boyfriend sat down. "Hey babe." He planted a quick kiss on my head and I smiled, "Hey, how was class?"

"Boring as usual, the bitch gave me a detention just because me and Andy were talking about the fit bird in cheer-" He was ranting and I couldn't help but to completely zone his voice out and watch his jaw clench as he spoke. I was unconsciously rubbing my wrists as his voice echoed through my ears, I guess Jacob's a good boyfriend but I wouldn't exactly call him nice.

"Are you even listening?" I looked up into his eyes and nodded, his head moved closer to my ear and he planted a kiss just under my ear before standing up again.
"I've got to go for practice... you look good today." He smiled as he walked off and I could finally let out the breath I was holding.

"Good? Seriously? You are a diamond, diamonds don't look good they are the fucking shit." I shook my head at her antics as her face slowly faltered while he walked out for practice.

"When are you gonna tell him?"

I shook my head unsure, "I don't think he'll want to hear it plus we're the schools perfect couple, we kind of have a reputation to keep."

"Yeah your reputation, not his. I know that Kamryn's a bitch, but there has to be some truth to what she said before the summer holidays. Otherwise she would have told you she was lying by now."

Or maybe she wouldn't tell me just to rub it in my face more, I have never trusted a word that Kamryn has ever said, why the hell would I start now? Me and Jake have been inseparable since preschool, our parents used to be best friends but they don't really talk anymore after my dad died in the accident. He knows how bad that hurt me, surely he wouldn't hurt me. No, I know that he wouldn't hurt me.

"She doesn't even have a heart, are you sure she has a brain?"

Lukas and Arielle both giggled and Luke held his hand out for me to take so we could go and watch the cheer team in training.
"Let's go see how good the minions are this year."

"The minions?" I giggled as I grabbed his hand in return.

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