Chapter 1

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I'm surprised I haven't gone blind at this point. I've always got cameras shoved in my face anywhere I go. Mum says it's just one of the downsides of doing what she loves, but at this point I can hardly see an upside. I keep walking hardly even knowing where I am going because every second another flash blinds me. I feel someone grab my hand an quickly know it's mum. She leads me and finally we reach the car and we both get in the back.

The door slams behind and I rub my eyes. "I think I am going blind!" I say, sarcastically. "Sure miss drama." Mum is so used to it and I feel as if I should be too, but it never seems to get better. My phone vibrates and I see a text from Summer. Summer is my best friend and she has been for ten years now. I unlock my phone to see the message.

Do we have chemistry homework?

Classic Summer always forgetting homework until the day before. I laughed out loud and mum turned to me "What?" I looked back at her "Just Summer being Summer." Mum nodded and I turned back to my phone

Yeah I did it on Friday night it took me like an hour

I also saw a message from Lucas. I have been dating Lucas for a month and he is so lovely.

Hey baby, can I come and pick you up and we can go for slushies?

omg yes pls, your the best, pick me up at 7

I put my phone down. "I'm going out with Lucas at 7." I say to mum. I don't even ask her permission anymore since mum thinks Lucas is great. "Okay, but don't be out for long." She replied. I didn't understand why I couldn't stay out long since she never says this. "Why?" I asked curiously. "Because I want to spend time with you." she answered. "Oh so now that I am going to see my boyfriend, you want to spend time with me? Mum it doesn't work like that. You never want to be with me until I am going out with someone else." I snap.

I probably shouldn't snap like that, but mum is always working. And the thing she says to me next are pretty hurtful.

"Estella Marjorie Swift, your attitude is vile. All I ever wanted was to be a good mother to you, but clearly I failed. You are beyond selfish, but you go see your boyfriend. In fact, stay there. I don't need another person on my case today." She finishes and the car stops. We had arrived at home. I just look at her with pure shock, shake my head and jump out the car. I get to the front door and run up to my room.

I pack an overnight bag and start a phone call to Lucas. He answers, thank lord. "Hey, you okay? It's only 6 right now?" My voice shook as I talked. "Lou, can I stay over? I've argued with mum and I can't be here anymore." I nearly burst out crying. "I'm coming now. I'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up and I finished putting everything in my bag. It was a Sunday and I had school tomorrow, so I would just go in with Lucas.

By the time I had finished he messaged me to say he was here and I ran downstairs. I was putting on my shoes when I heard mum shout from the kitchen behind me "Estella please stop I am so sorry baby girl." I didn't want to hear what she had to say so I just ran out the door. Lucas was waiting in the car and I hopped in next to him. I sat on the seat and burst into tears.

"I can't do this anymore." I said to Lucas through tears. "come on, let's go." He said as he drove the car off the driveway. "Tell me what's going on." Lucas said. "I hate her. She makes everything about her fucking stupid job. She makes me feel like I would of been better never being born." I cried even harder. "Hold on Estella, your going to make yourself sick. Calm down." He pulled over and I looked up. He turned to me. "Listen, you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. You are worth so much more than just your mum. You are your own person and that's good enough." I wiped the tears away and he kissed me on my forehead. "Let's go home"

He knew what to say and do all the time. I can't believe how lucky I got. All of a sudden my phone rings and I pick it up to see "Granny Anny". It was my grandma. I picked up.

"Hello?" I said, my voice still shaking from crying. "Estella what is going on?" Great. Mum has called her, I can tell. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to play stupid. "Estella, your mum has called me crying her eyes out and told me that you have ran off with Lucas. I don't understand why you are being so immature, you are 16." I started crying again. "She doesn't care about me one bit, I am just an inconvenience to her." I could barely speak. Lucas took my phone. "Andrea, it's me Lucas. She is staying over at mine tonight until her and Taylor sort this out. Don't worry, she is safe with me and I am speaking to her. " What he said must of worked against her, because I could hear Grandma say "Okay thankyou Lucas, look after her."

After, he called mum and put it on speaker so I could hear. "Estella?" Lucas spoke "Taylor, it's me Lucas. I am taking her back to mine for tonight because she is in an awful state. Hopefully tomorrow everyone has woken up feeling better and then you can sort it out then." He didn't even wait for an answer, he just put the phone down.

"Thankyou" I said, feeling a lot better now. We got to Lucas's house and we went up to his room. "Shit. I forgot my pyjamas." I only had some jeans and a top for tomorrow at school. "Here, wear these." He handed me some pyjamas and I got changed.

I got into bed and Lucas put some Netflix on and cuddled me until I fell asleep.

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