Chapter 7

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It's been two weeks since mum's tour started, and I woke up in a hotel room bed once again. I'd seen that I had two missed calls from Lucas, so I called him back. "Stella! Finally. How are you babe?" He asked. "I'm good, just tired." I moaned. "I can't wait to see you, whenever that will be." He commented. I sighed. "I don't know when I can come back. I love touring with mum but I am already getting sick of the whole travelling thing. At least I'm with mum though." I said. "I want to just kiss you again and again. I miss you beyond words." He said. This whole thing was awful. I didn't realise how attached I was too this boy. We talked for a while more and then I said goodbye. 

I went to the toilet and I got my period. I groaned and sorted myself out. I decided to go and get myself a Starbucks, by myself. "I'm gonna go grab a Starbucks, do you want anything?" I shouted to mum who was on her laptop. "I'm fine, I'll get a security guard to come with you." I sighed. "I don't need one, I'm fine" I replied. I didn't need protection. "Just take one." I groaned at her "Mum let me do one thing on my own." I snapped. Mum turned around at that point. "What's with the attitude today?" She questioned. "Nothing. Just leave me alone!" With that I left the room and started walking. 

I walked to the Starbucks that was only down the road and it was peaceful. I noticed some people taking pictures of me but I didn't care. I got into the coffee shop and ordered a Iced latte. I had a sip and Immediately felt better. I felt bad for snapping at mum now, so I decided to buy her a muffin. I left the Starbucks and then went back to the Hotel. I walked back into the room. 

I walked into the kitchen and stood in front of mum, across the breakfast bar. "I'm sorry, it's just I miss Lucas." I said. "Oh yeah and I came on my period." I added. Mum laughed "That explains that. I forgive you, don't worry." I handed mum the muffin. "Thankyou baby." I went back into my room. I got so bored when I wasn't out doing anything, so I ended up calling Summer. She told me about this guy she has been talking too.

We talked for about an hour until she had to go because she was going to Eleanor's. When she put the phone down I started crying because I missed them all so much, while they were all hanging around with each other. Mum walked into my room "What's wrong?" She asked, coming to sit down next to me and putting her arm around me. "I miss everyone. I'm not even going to see them on my birthday either." I explained. My birthday is on July 1st, and Mum is playing in Cincinnati that day. "I'm sure there will be a chance to see them soon." Mum gave me hope. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret now. Harry is coming to next weekends show, and we are singing style together!" She sure knew how to make me feel better. I was so excited. "Oh my god, I can't even wait!" 

I was so happy for the rest of the day. I couldn't tell anyone though since it was such a big thing. I couldn't wait to see everyone's reactions, and I couldn't wait to see Harry. I haven't seen him in ages since he's been doing Love on Tour. I knew this was gonna break the internet.

Mum left to go to the stadium and I got into the shower. For tonight I wanted to do a lover outfit, so I straightened my hair and wore a pink dress. I added pink hearts at the side of my eyes. I had to go to the stadium earlier today to meet Gracie. I had 2 security guards escort me out the hotel and into the car. 

When we got to the stadium, there was already a lot of people waiting outside. They all screamed when I got out the car, and we had a bit of spare time so I went to greet some of them, and they gave me a ton of friendship bracelets. 

Then I was escorted back stage where Mum was with Gracie. I said hello to them both and Gracie started talking to me. She was really sweet. I told mum good luck and then went to the vip area. I watched as everyone came in and the show started. 

I loved when she sung sad beautiful tragic because it's one of my favourites. Near the end of the show I got really tired and sat down. Right before it ended I went back stage for when mum got off. I heard her saying goodbye and she came running towards me as per usual. Recently it really did feel like she was prioritising me. "That was great." I said. "Thankyou baby." She put her arm around me and we walked out to where the car was waiting. 

I fell asleep in the car and Mum woke me up when we got back to the hotel. I just about managed to put my pyjamas on before I had to lay on my bed. I shut my eyes and I felt something wiping my face. I opened them back up and it was mum wiping my makeup off again. I smiled and closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

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