Chapter 10

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I woke up in the small motel room. I picked up my phone, knowing that I was going to have a ton of notifications. 

Mommy<3: 96 missed calls

I started to feel really guilty. I got out of bed and put on something warm. I didn't bother to look presentable, I just put a cap and glasses back on. I packed up my stuff and left the motel. I used the map on my phone to get back to the hotel.

The hour walk felt so shameful. When I finally got back to the hotel, I sighed before waking my way up to the room. I walked in and Mum was in the kitchen, with her head in her hands. I still couldn't face her, so I tried to creep past. She must of heard me though  because when I got back to my own room and sat on my bed, she was in the door way. 

I looked up at her and she looked sick. "Where have you been?" She asked sternly. Before I even got a chance to answer she added "I have been up all night, worried out of my mind. There are cops looking for you." She said. I just ignored her. "You are so selfish." She snapped. With that I got angry. "Mum, I will leave again. Why don't you just send me to boarding school? You have the money." I rebuked at her. She sighed, holding back tears and then turned around and walked out. 

I called Summer. No answer. I called Lucas. No answer. I called almost everyone and there was no answers. I started crying into my pillow so mum wouldn't hear, until I felt the presence of someone at the door. "Well, your back then, you little shit." It was a mans voice. I turned around to see the state that my mum calls her boyfriend. He was clearly out of his mind drunk. "Your mother deserves better than a child like you." He said, coming towards me.

"Get out." I said calmy, trying not to give the disgusting man any of my emotion. He kept stumbling towards me and each time I got more and more anxious. "I am going to make sure that the first change around here is that you are gone." He slurred his words, but I could still tell what he was saying. At this point he was right in my face. 

"GET OUT" I saw mum appear in the doorway and then I felt the cold palm to my face. He had slapped me. I immediately grabbed my cheek that stung from where his hand once was. I saw mum put her two hands over her mouth that had fallen open. "MATTY!" She screamed. "GET OUT." with her saying that the smirk on his face faded and he turned to her. "Taylor." He spoke to her but she just pointed to the door. He stumbled out and I heard the hotel room door shut.

I started to feel a pain in my chest and then I felt like I couldn't breathe. I desperately gasped for air and Mum walked back in. "Estella I'm so sor-" I couldn't let her finish "Mum- I can't - breathe." I just managed to talk when I got the slightest breaths. She came and kneeled in front of where I was sat on my bed. "Estella, listen to me, your having a panic attack, but it's okay. Just breathe with me. In and out." She comforted me. I tried breathing at the pace she was and it did end up getting better. After a while of doing the breathing I finally got better and started crying. I fell into her arms and she held onto me. "Don't worry, I am going to sort this. I should have listened to you. You are my top priority and whatever you want me to do I will do it." She told me. I just cried into her shoulder and she stroked my hair and my back. She ended up taking me to her room and tucking me into her bed. I felt so shaken up and in absolute shock. 

I fell alseep for an hour and when I woke up I could hear mum on the phone. I couldn't exactly hear what she was saying because the walls in between us made it muffled. I sat up and then she walked in. She came and sat on the bed next to me. "I have sorted it now." She said, stroking my cheek where he had slapped me. "I need Lucas." I told her, through tears. "I'm sorry baby, but that's not possible right now, but I am here, and I always will be." I hugged her and felt like her baby, again. 

I called Lucas and he finally picked up. I didn't tell him what happened though. He told me he's super excited to finish school and he wants to see me at some point during the summer. I just nodded at him while he rambled on. "What's up?" He asked, noticing I wasn't doing much talking. "Nothing." I pulled a fake smile and he just said "Okay." I don't think he wanted to stir anything because he knows that I can get emotional about very small things. 

When I ended the call I went to mums room and she was sat on her laptop. When she saw me come in she shut it immediately. "Hi star." She said pleasantly. I went and sat next to her, but then I laid down and put my head on her knee. "Your going to be fine." She assured me. She started stroking my hair and I ended up falling asleep on her lap. 

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