New Namek Saga: Too Close for Comfort and a New Treat Appears!

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Kuzuku P.O.V

It's been 5 days since Android 18 and I have been inside the spaceship heading to the new Planet Namek. It was quite weird. Not once had I seen 18 go without destroying anything for days, instead she read a book in the library room. But she was certainly impatient, so I decided to go to the gravity chamber on the spaceship and train. I start doing my warm-ups like 1000 push-ups only using my right arm in times ten gravity while in my Super Saiyan form.

Why are you asking that am in my Super Saiyan form? Well, I thought for a moment about how to improve or evolve it. I started thinking that when I transform into my Super Saiyan form it drains my energy, so I thought that if I stay in this form, I can familiarize it and master it before we landed on New Namek.

But the downside is that I have to eat, sleep, and clean myself while in my Super Saiyan so it will take a while to master it.

Kuzuku: "990...991...992...993...994...995...!"

After that, I was holding 2000 upside-down push-ups using both of my arms again as I increase the gravity of the room by 20x while still staying in my Super Saiyan form.

Kuzuku: "1597...1598...1599...1600! C'mon, Kuzuku! You still have 400 push-ups to go!"

3rd P.O.V

Meanwhile in the library room, there we see Android 18 reading books about human emotions as she remembers that she is once human before Dr. Gero kidnap both her and her brother 17 turning both of them into Androids to kill Goku, but there is already finished as Goku is already dead.

18: "What would happen if that bastard didn't kidnap us and turn into Androids?"

She thought for a moment as she daydreamed as she saw herself as a young college student hanging out with her imaginary friends and beside her is her boyfriend who look precisely like Kuzuku who smiled at her which make her blush as both of them were holding hands.

Android 18 quickly snaps out of it as her cheeks were bright red. Why would she dream about Kuzuku all of a sudden!?

18: "What was that!?... Why would I be dreaming about him as my boyfriend!? But it looks nice."

She thought for a moment as she remember that both of them were enemies cause both she and her brother kill many people including his brother and his family.

18: "He and I are enemies and the moment the ship landed, we will fight once more."

She sigh as she closes the book and return it where it belonged as she headed towards where Kuzuku is in the gravity room.

Kuzuku P.O.V

Kuzuku: "4998...4999...5000!"

After finishing my 5000 sit-ups while in 50x gravity, I was soaking with sweat, so with that I press the button to off gravity and then grab my spare clothes to change, but the gravity room door opened and I see Android 18 who walks in looking at me.

18: "Why do you always train? Do you have a life besides training?"

She said which make me angry as I gave her a death glare.

Kuzuku: "Sorry that my life is so boring to you, but I don't have a choice since thanks to you and your brother 17! What do you expect me to do?!"

18: "What's wrong with you!?"

Kuzuku: "What's wrong with me!? The real question is what's wrong with you!? You and Brother 17 have been destroying the Earth! Causing havoc! You Androids killed 2 million without a second thought! You two even killed my older brother Gohan! Or course I'll always have to train!"

I shouted making 18 stay quiet. Not knowing what to say next. She then turned around and left out of frustration as I continued my training on mastering Super Saiyan.

18 P.O.V

After I left the gravity room leaving that doofus behind. Ugh, it's frustrating cause it's true that we're the ones who killed his twin brother and the rest of the humans, but it's all Dr. Gero's fault that we were created as Androids making us heartless.

18: "17 and I didn't even wish to be an Android and yet here we are. We are doing what Dr. Gero desire as a heartless machine. What happens to us? Where's our humanity?"

I continued walking until I reach my room where I laid down on my bed and began to think about what Kuzuku was saying.

18: "Plus he's cute..."

3rd P.O.V

On an unknown planet where many alien villagers were dead. The rest were trembling in fear as someone that looks like Frieza was in charge of the attack.

Surbordinate: "My Lord."

He then bow with one knee on the ground as his right hand was on his left area chest.

???: "Yes? What is it?"

Subordinate: "They speak the truth, my Lord. They do not have these Dragon Balls that we're looking for."

???: "I see."

The figure said as he rub his chin with his right hand thinking what he would do to these people of this planet that they conquered.

Subordinate: "Then what should we do with them, my Lord?"

???: "Why else? Enslave them. We could make use of their resource of this pitiful planet of theirs."

Subordinate: "As you wish, my Lord."

Then As the men began to leave, the figure that looks like Frieza starts to laugh sinisterly.

Kuzuku P.O.V

After mediating for one hour, I stand up and was about to leave until I saw 18 entering the gravity room again which surprised me for a bit considering that we arguing an hour ago.

Kuzuku: "What is it?"

I raised my eyebrow confused on why she come here again.

18: "I don't think you can finish your training until you have a training partner."

Training partner, huh? I thought for a moment cause it might have useful information on how to defeat them and it might help me achieved mastering Super Saiyan as well.

Kuzuku: "Alright then, but no Ki blast. We don't need to do series harm to the spaceship."

I said the condition which she nodded as she removed her jacket as she placed it near the controls of the gravity room.

18: "Alright then and I hope that your not crying after I defeat you."

Kuzuku: "Bring it."

With that, we create some distance as both Android 18 and I charge each other as we exchange blows after blows as we both were aiming to win in our sparring match or training.

3rd P.O.V

Meanwhile in space, there we see the same spaceship that Frieza and King Cold use to land on Planet Earth years ago and its already on its way on new Planet Namek right now.

There we see the figure that looks like Frieza sitting on the same Frieza chair looking at the empty space as he is waiting on arriving on new Planet Namek.

Subordinate: "My Lord."

Freiza look alike turn to see his Subordinate as he bow down on one knee as he began to read the reports from the scouts.

Subordinate: "Planet Luclite is under your command, my Lord."

???: "What an Excellent news..."

Narrator P.O.V

The Frost Demon that looks like Frieza stared at Planet Luclite with an evil smirk on his face. Who is this Frieza look alike? Would Kuzuku and 18 get along enough to face this new treat? Find out next time in Dragon Ball Z: Younger Brother of Future Gohan!

End Chapter

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