New Namek Saga: Return to the Future Timeline and Heading to New Namek

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3rd P.O.V

After Trunks and Kuzuku warn Goku about the Androids and his heart virus, they rode the Time Machine to return to their Future Timeline.

Kuzuku: "Let's go and see if our future is changing or not."

Trunks: "...Yeah."

With that Trunks press the button and the Time Machine began to float as it produces light the Time Machine disappeared and reappeared back to their timeline where the area is still ruined.

Kuzuku: "Looks like the theory of changing one thing in the past to change in the future is a failure."

Trunks: "But we know that the past will change into a bright future where Goku is alive."

He commented, Kuzuku nodded as they exited the Time Machine and press a button that puffed the Time Machine back into a capsule.

Kuzuku: "Then let's head back to Capsule Corps and tell Bulma about the news."

Trunks: "Right."

Both Kuzuku and Trunks fly off towards Capsule Corps and once there, they went inside to see Bulma making more fuel for the Time Machine.

Trunks: "Mom, we're back."

Bulma: "Trunks! Kuzuku, you're back and safe! Is the Time Machine work?"

Trunks: "It did. We travel back to where Frieza landed on Earth where me and Kuzuku slaughter Frieza, Cold, and their soldiers."

Bulma: "That's great!"

Kuzuku: "Also we meet the Z Fighters there, then we told them where my Dad is as he landed on Earth we told him about the Androids and the heart virus as we gave him the cure of it. But..."

Bulma: "But..."

She doesn't like where things going as Kuzuku explains everything.

Kuzuku: "Looks like we create a parallel timeline where Goku lives, so our future timeline doesn't change a bit."

Bulma: "So that theory, huh?"

Kuzuku: "And also where I don't exist as my mother miscarried me..."

He said which make him sad as Bulma is shocked that they traveled where Kuzuku doesn't even exist. She hugs Kuzuku in comfort and he hugs her back making him relax for a bit.

Bulma: "Don't worry even though you don't exist there as long you're here. You're alive and your my boyfriend."

Kuzuku: "Thanks, Bulma."

He kissed her on the lips which she accept as she kissed back making Trunks uncomfortable.

Trunks: "Ahem!"

Kuzuku and Bulma stop making out as they were blushing in embarrassment

Trunks: "Anyway, Mom. How many more days can you refill the Time Machine?"

Bulma: "Are you planning to back there and help?"

Trunks: "To make sure that the Androids are destroyed and they have peace in their timeline."

He has a valid point in his argument as Bulma sigh as she lost to his son.

Bulma: "Fine you win, but it will take three years to refill the Time Machine just like last time. Also, my reward will be Kuzuku sleeping on my bed tonight."

She said as both Trunks and Kuzuku on what her true attention is.

Trunks: "Works for me."

Kuzuku: "Fine."

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