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One Year and Eight Months Later

"Honey? You have the birthday boy?"

Cole shouted to his wife as he adjusted the balloons in their apartment. They decorated it from floor to ceiling with birthday decorations, and they had admittedly gone a bit overboard. The place was small, but this was just going to be his family and Alli's parents. They were having a bigger party the next weekend with some friends and extended family, which his mother had offered to host at their home.

Life was good. Really good. They put in the work to get to where they were. They were even stronger than they were before, which Cole didn't know was possible. They renewed their vows privately with just their family and closest friends. It was perfect. It felt like they were getting a chance to finally get things right with each other, and they weren't wasting a single moment of it.

"Dun, dun, dun!" Alli exclaimed enthusiastically as she ran into the room with the one-year old in her arms, "presenting... Willie!"

William Reece Alvarez.

Cole lit up at the sight of the two of them. Alli had their son in her arms, holding him out head first. She whooshed him around like a superhero and he giggled madly, smiling from ear to ear. Cole laughed, gawking in an exaggerated and animated manner.

He absolutely loved being a father. It was incredible. To have someone who had the best of him and the best of the love of his life was a surreal experience. Their son was just the light of their life. Raising him was something indescribable.

The best part was doing it with Alli. He couldn't picture tackling this with anyone else. Because while Willie was a wonderful baby, there were some hard days. He leaned onto Alli when he needed her, and she leaned onto him. It was a balancing act. They learned when to give and they learned when to take.

"Whoa!" Cole shouted happily, reaching over to take him from Alli. She passed him over, placing her hands on her hips with a tender smile on her face. "Look at you buddy!"

Willie gave an open mouth smile, clapping his hands together weakly. Cole bounced him gently before placing him in his high-top chair. He was wearing a matching outfit with Cole, which was carefully planned by Alli. They both wore white button-ups and blue shorts. Cole thought Willie looked even better than he did. Alli wore a denim blue dress that went to her knees, buttons trailing down the front. Cole reached for the puff snacks that their son loved, shaking the bottle to pour them onto the counter. Willie instantly went in on them, shoving them into his mouth.

Cole chuckled as he shuffled over to Alli, wrapping his arms around her from the back. Pressing a kiss against her forehead, they both took a moment to watch Willie. "I can't believe he's one."

"I know," Alli mused softly. "Feel like it was just yesterday I was on that damn table."

"Feels like just yesterday I had to get an x-ray cause I thought you broke my hand," Cole quipped pointedly with a smirk.

"Remind me who the baby in the room is?"

Cole chuckled, turning to sprinkle more puffs on the counter. Willie made incoherent noises as he ate, which Cole mimicked eagerly. Alli watched fondly, joining in on the noises being made. Willie lit up, waving his little arms around. They both followed his lead, something they often found themselves doing. Alli observed him carefully, pulling her lips in.

"You ever... think about having another?" Alli questioned, leaning against the counter.

Cole glanced at her. "Do you?"

Alli's gazed wandered to where Willie sat, letting out a soft laugh as their son shoveled the puffs into his mouth. "I mean, yeah. I didn't realize how much I'd love to be a Mom and how fun it would be until we had him. I feel like... I feel like we can do this again."

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