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3rd  PERSON'S  P.O.V

APRIL 20,2023....

Since Choi jun woong's disappearance it was quite lonely, quiet, empty, the room became gloomy as days, weeks,months until a year had passed.

We still check up on him, and now Choi jun woong has a nice job and he is currently engaged to Ryu Cho-hui, when he and his co-worker was in the concert Ryeon told Cho-hui that the man that helped her was in the concert, But for the rest, Fate brought them together.

Choi jun woong's and Ryu Cho-hui's wedding will happen in the 5th of May 2023,
The whole staff of jumadeung was invited including the jade emperor but she declined because of the tight work.

The RM team was now an official department now Koo Ryeon was still the leader while Lim Ryunggu was the manager.


The office of RM team was now new and clean, it was hard to say goodbye to our last one and adjusting to the new one.
We had now more than ten members and it was enough for me to see the RM(Risk Management) team was increasing.

It was night time, tired it is but we need to finish our last subject of the day first.
It was a woman who was abused by her adopted parents, and also bullied at school.

Me and Park Han-ji, a new member of RM team teleported in the rooftop of a building. We saw a girl, she was in the edge of the railings.

"Ms. Kim Shi-nah."I said.
She turned around and was startled to see us.

"W-who are y-you?"She asked stuttering.
I took a step forward as she step backwards.
"D-don't c-come any c-closer!"She warned.

"Do you think if you die this world will be better?!-"I snapped.
"Those people will continue their lives! But you? No! You will be soon forgotten! Don't choose death over happiness, if you live you just need to find your happiness and stopped those who abused you! Don't let them see a girl who was weak! Show them a girl that can stand up to herself! Do that!"I continued.

"H-how could i-i find happiness when I was under those people!"She said breaking into tears and hitting her head with her bare hands.

"You think disappearance was the choice?
You just want to be found! You just want to be loved!"I yelled with an aggressive tone.

"Just leave me alone."She said with a low voice.
"No one loves or cares about a girl who couldn't defend herself."She said looking at us.

"Then learn how to defend yourself!"Han-ji said.
"Learn how to defend that girl that was inside you!"He continues.

It felt like Kim Shin-nah was touched,
She then crouched and sobbed for minutes.
"I don't wanna die like this! I don't want end my life here!"She said with a crack voice.

I walked to her and crouched opposite her,
"Then live life to the fullest, your time will come, just don't end it sooner."I said softly as she hugged me and I hugged her back softly.

Half an hour passed, she eventually calmed down, "thank you, for rescuing me from my horrible intention."she said.

I smiled at her and ordered Han-ji to escort Shin-nah to her house. He nod his head as he grabbed her wrist "Han-ji."I called out to him as he turn around, I nod my head, it meant that he knows what to do when she dropped off Shi-nah, he nod his head back and disappeared.

I breath a sigh of relief and teleported into the hallway of our sleeping quarters.
My footsteps were heavy,and echoed through the corridors, my room was in the end of the hall.
As I arrived outside of my room, I took out my key and I impale it to the keyhole, As I heard a 'click' I started to twist the doorknob,when a voice called out to me.

"Ryeon?"it was joonggil.
I turn to look at him, and bowed.

"Yes, Mr. Park?"I answered.

Since he found out that we were married in our past lives it was never the same.
He's coldness and rudeness towards me was gone, it was replaced with a slight affection.

"Why are you late?"He asked out of the blue. "it's almost midnight."he added.

I scoffed and was replaced by chuckled.
"None of your business."I said in a fussy voice.

"Pardon?"he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Um, it's none of you business, and so what if I'm late! Your not my husband! So stop butting in my business!"I shouted at the quiet hallway it echoes.

He came closer with a scoffed, "I'm just asking, why are you so worked up?"He asked with a grin of his face.
"It's not like your seeing someone at this hour, right?"he added.

"Worked up? Date?! What do you think of me a slut?! Hey if you think of me that way I don't care! Because your nothing to me! Could you just go to bed! Why are you still even awake at this hour?!"I asked one eyebrow rose.

"I-i had i-insomia!"He stuttered out.

I scoffed loudly he was two steps away from me so I took a step forward our bodies was just inches apart, I just did it just to tease him. "Look at you stuttering!"I yelled.

I turn around and opened my door when a yell was heard next to my room.

"What the heck!! Someone was trying to sleep here!"It was Mr. Kang the head of the Editing team.

The doorknob was twisted it signaled that he is coming out, joonggil and I looked as the door slightly opened, when a force pushed me inside, I was analyzing what just happened when joonggil followed me and closed the door,As he pinned me against the door with his hands on my mouth, covering it,

"WHERE ARE THEY!"Mr.Kang yelled, causing the others to woke up.

"What the heck Mr. Kang someone was trying to sleep here!"another voice yelled.

"B-but I heard shouting in here."he said with hesitation.

"Just go back to sleep!"A woman's voice shouted.

Silence and soon after slam of the doors was heard, it's a sign that they might got inside their rooms.

Joonggil and I  sighed but remembering that his hand was still covering my mouth I slapped his hand away.

"Are you Crazy!"I said in a croaky voice.
"Why did you enter here?"I said with an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry, I panicked so I pushed you and entered."He explained.

I saw that his body was so close to mine,
And that he was looking down on me as I looked up at him.

I glared at him and pushed him away from me, "Get out!"I yelled not caring if the neighbors heard.

I unlocked the door and open it wide motioning him to 'get out' he hung his head low and step out from my room.
I then shut it closed, as I rested my back against the door, sighing deeply.

I then entered my bathroom with a heavy feeling, I looked at myself in the mirror and felt bad for joonggil he just want to know why I'm late but I make a big fuss about it.

I pulled myself together and started to get strip, as I was done I entered my and the flow of the warm water took my uneasy feeling away.

An hour passed, As I set myself under the covers I also turn off the light,
The only light  was the lamp that was sitting in the nightstand.

I slowly fell asleep still playing on my mind what happened recently.....


Hi guys I'm calysus nice to meet you this is my first  'tomorrow' fanfiction, actually I had two other stories but I can't help my self wrote another one after I saw the kdrama 'TOMORROW'......

But thank you for reading this story bye....
