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MAY 6, 2023

Ryeon walked out of her room while still in a daze, she strolled and strolled not caring where her feet will take her, minutes of just walking, she found herself outside Joonggil's office, she then snapped at her daze and realized where she was, as she was about to turn and ran away, the door opened revealing a two figures, Joonggil and Jiyoon, she stood there, as joonggil looked up at her gazing in her eyes, but it was oddly different, as he stared at her it was like soulless, there's nothing more....

"May I help you, Ms. Koo?"Joonggil asked.
Ryeon blinked and remembered the situation.

"I....I'm sorry ..I thought... The meeting was held in your office."Jiyoon just gaved her a sneer smile...

"Oh, I thought you know? You just proved yourself again."Joonggil continued.

"Pardon?"Ryeon asked with a dumbfounded face.

"That you're an unprofessional leader, I don't know why the director still kept the RM team, and being stupid enough to almost, just almost, to be slaved by you."Joonggil spat out as he passed through Ryeon, as Jiyoon followed him.

Ryeon watched joonggil leave, she stared and stared until her was gone.

"Ma'am?"a voice called out to her, she shot up and face the person.

"Ryunggu..... what are you...doing here?"She asked.

"Are... You...okay?"Ryunggu hesitated.

"Yes, we should go, before director became impatient.."Ryeon then walked faster in the other direction leaving ryunggu feeling worried but reluctantly followed her leader.

As they arrived every one of the escort team was there, but just a few from the Risk Management team, Ryeon looked disappointed as she stares at the floor.

"Now let's start." The director ordered.

All of them sat around the big table, while the director stood up Infront of them all.

"You all know why the escort team and Risk Management team is here right?"They all nodded except for Ryeon.
"This mission need to be successful, and the both teams should work together mutually."She then started to discussing...
"This mission will start tomorrow, every women in each group should wore a brunette wig, as for the boys, whatever you want...-"Everyone listened carefully.
"And also.... I will pair you by two, so that if the other one was in danger there will be immediate response.. "Everybody looked at each other...

"Is that necessary enough ma'am?"Joonggil asked.

"Why? Are you scared that you will paired by someone."The director snapped.
Everyone turn their gaze at joonggil except ryunggu and the director....

"No. Fine let's get paired."Joonggil stated firmly.

"Ok.... The head of this mission will be you Park joonggil....and Koo Ryeon-"Everybody gasped as Ryeon just stared blankly at director.

"I will do my very best to be a good leader for this mission."Ryeon said with cold voice.

"Ever heard of the saying... actions speaks louder than words?.... Don't tell us that you can do it .. show us."Joonggil interrupted.

Ryeon smiled and turned to face joonggil,
"Thank you for letting me know, but in the future don't give me another 'saying' because they will think we're friends."Ryeon said with sarcasm.

Joonggil rose from his seat and teleported Infront of Ryeon with a glare, leaning towards her.

"I guess I was wrong when I said that you didn't change, you know how to talk back to your senior now."Joonggil spat out.