6-The fair

874 27 35

First of all #2 in#wilburagnst Tysm!!! thats crazy!!!

"wilbur...." Wilbur turned around and met eyes with Techno he stood in the doorway

Techno slowly shut the door "Snuck out" He muttered

Wilbur looked downed at his feet 

"Hey its fine I'm not gonna snitch" He looked around and looked at wilbur then the ground and spoted the cigarettes 

"holy fuck is this Marlboro! Thats the strong shit wilbur!" Techno raised his voice

Wilbur motioned for him to pipe down

"Sorry but you shouldn't be smoking this its way to strong for you" He groaned 

Wilbur grabbed his notebook and his pen and wrote something down

'Are you going to tell phil..?'  It read 

Techno sighed "...No...Probably not..I mean would that make me a hypocrite? i dunno but..." His voice trailed off

Wilbur nodded slowly and wrote something else down 

'Are you still mad at me..you know earlier' 

Techno looked at it in disbelief "Nononononono" He shook his head "I just......I just had a lot going on and when I get upset I tend to lose my self control and I...I'm sorry" He said barely whispering without the monotone voice techno sounded a lot different and it took wilbur by surprise 

Wilbur nodded 'its okay'  Wilbur smiled a goofy crooked smile but that made techno smile too

"Okay well we should probably get to bed its late......Night wilbur" Techno said before exiting the brunettes room

Wilbur smiled softly as Techno left 

He put his shoes by the foot of his bed and hid the cigarettes under his pillow

Wilbur was thirsty so he changed his clothes and then went downstairs for a glass of water

When he made it to the kitchen he was met by phil at the kitchen table mixing something in....applesauce?......

'wait did he hear me........if he did he's gonna be so mad and probably even kick me out or something'  Thoughts raced through wilburs head as phil looked up at him

"Oh hey wilbur" he smiled wilbur slightly flinched at the sound of his voice "Tommy woke me up with his loudness so i decided i'm just gonna make him take melatonin" phil laughed but it was a soft groany tired laugh 

Wilbur nodded still worried that phil would confront him

"Did Techno talk to you?" Phil asked 

Wilbur nodded and smiled 

"Good..good.....He doesn't always know how to control his emotions"

Wilbur waved his hand as if say Don't worry about it  

Phil smiled "Oh uh why are you down here are you hungry? Thirsty?"

Wilbur made a motion like he was drinking 

"Lemme grab you a water!" He said jumping up from his seat getting a glass and filling it

Wilbur gave a slight smile and he thanked phil foe the water with a nod

"You should get to bed it's pretty late and we are also going somewhere tomorrow" Phil smiled 

Wilbur tilted his head 

A Silent call || WILBUR SOOT ANGST || MUTE WILBUR AU || SBI ADOPTION AUWhere stories live. Discover now