9-Techno saves the day

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Phil was by the door with an angry look on his face 

"Do you know what time it is!?" He said sternly

Techno stayed silent 

"I was worried about you guys I-I thought something happened when i didn't see you in your rooms"

"dad I'm sorry" Techno said slightly cutting phil off

this took phil by surprise.......it usually took techno a couple days to apologize.....if he even did  

"I-......." Phil sighed "I know........." He said 

"H-How'd you know....we left" Techno asked 

Phil sighed "You left your window open and your location on"

Techno looked at wilbur in his arms knowing full well it was worth it

"I.......I'm not mad I-I can't be but you do know you have to be punished right...." Phil said

Techno nodded "Wilbur too?"

"Yes wilbur too.......I'll talk to him when he wakes up......could you put him in his bed and then come back down" Phil said in a half stern tone

Techno nodded and walked wilbur upstairs slowly putting him down in the bed

Techno frowned.....he knew how manipulative Jschlatt could be and how kind and Manipulated Wilbur could be

He wasn't going to say everything he saw to phil....because he knew phil was going to ask what happened  

He slowly and softly closed wilburs door as he made he way back down stairs where he saw phil sitting and waiting for him 

the guilt of sneaking out must of shown of his face because phil gave him a smile

"Don't worry okay......." he said 

Techno sat across from him and looked at phil

Phil sighed "I......I am a little upset......" He said "I'm not angry or gonna lash out on you but I need you to be honest with me okay.....what did you do"

Techno froze......was he about to ratt wilbur out.......his only friend sense the begging of ever....or at least he thought of him as a friend......he didn't know if wilbur felt the same

"We didn't do anything bad dad" Techno began, keeping a steady calm monotone voice "Wilbur.........wilbur snuck out with some friends and they were bothering him so he asked me to come get him and he fell asleep"

Phil sighed "ok.......your not in as much trouble.....but sense you didn't tell me how about your grounded for.........2 days" Phil said

Techno nodded "Fair......." "what about wilbur....." Techno asked

"I'm think 5 days or a week" Phil said 

"Dad........" Techno softly said "P-Please don't be too mad at him.....his friends were giving him a really hard time"

Phil nodded "Is there something I should be worried about"

Techno froze again.....he really didn't  Know what was going on except that Jschlatt used him for vodka. He hadn't actually gotten the chance to talk to wilbur about it....Techno hesitated before replying

"N-No it's just I'm pretty sure they just really pressured him into sneaking out" He lied 

Phil sighed "Oh.....He's just so easy to manipulate.........I feel bad to punish him but I have to" 

Techno nodded "I know...just please don't get upset with him okay"

Phil brought Techno into a hug "I'm glad he had someone looking out for him"

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