41-rather die

450 21 63

Wilbur's pov: 

"Why the fuck is he here!?!?" I whisper shouted to eret

"Uh.." They started "L-Like I said he uh...wants you back"  they whispered back

"WHAT THE FUCK" Tubbo and Tommy shouted 

"Boys!" Phil scolded

Eret turned around and waved at....him...telling him to wait by the car 

"No! he can't take him! He's our brother!" Tommy whisper shouted

"I-I'm sorry...i-it's his biological dad I mean I can't really tell him no.....you gotta understand tom you guys were only a emergency foster home" Eret said

Tears started to fill tommy's eyes "It's not fair!" He shouted 

Tubbo's eyes began to wet as well "Y-Yeah! You can't j-just take him again!!!!!" he said 

i got a wash of deja vu 

it was like I only went back in time

except this time....there's nothing I can do about it 

"I'm sorry guys but he's wilbur's biological family and.....he has full custody over him" eret said

"Wait.....didn't you parents die in a car crash......" Techno asked

"oh yeah! thats what it said on your file" Tommy said 

I look at eret 

"Uh....well wilburs mom and his step dad died in a car crash...uh....but wilbur father was never found...we couldn't get a hold of him and he left when wilbur was 5....but...we got a call the other day and he told us he wants wilbur back" Eret explained

Tommy glared at eret

"I'm really sorry" eret said

"He's not my dad" i said

Everyone looked at me in pity 

"Whats his name" Techno asked his voice getting more stern every time he spoke

"Uh......Shawn..gold" They said

tommy pushed passed them and walked to sHaWn

"Oi prick!" He said

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled 

"Thomas!" Phil sternly said trying to chase after him but techno and Dream held him back 

"Let him" Dream said 

"You can't just take my brother! you walked out on him and now you expect you can just take him back!" Tom shouted 

"Hey fuck off you little scamp" shawn told him

"Nuh uh! You cannot just roll up here after YEARS of not being with him and think you can just have him...He's MY brother not YOUR son you are a fucking dick man fuck off!" Tom said 

at this point he started to get annoyed and angry

"Ok kid if you don't scram I'm gonna fuck you up" Shawn spat

"Shut the fuck up! I'll fuck you up if you even go NEAR wilbur!" Tommy spat back

Shawn came right up to toms face and stared at him

"You gonna keep looking at me or are you gonna fuck off" tommy said 

"Your on thin ice boy" shawn said 

"Prick" Tom spat

thats when he had enough and he punched tommy square in the nose causing toms nose to spew blood

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