Chapter 1

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I walked into the college campus, feeling the excitement bubbling within me. Wearing my favorite turquoise kurta, with delicate embroidery, adorned with floral patterns that matched my sunny personality.  Silver bangles jingled on my wrists, adding a touch of tradition to my modern outfit.I felt confident and radiant. As I carried my books, a big smile adorned my face, eager to reunite with my best friend Kinza.

Just as I stepped in, there she was, Kinza, her eyes lighting up as she spotted me. She rushed towards me and enveloped me in a warm hug. "Ayesha! You're finally here! I missed you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

I hugged her back, laughing heartily. "I missed you too, Kinza! It feels so good to be back."

Together, we made our way towards the bustling cafeteria. The aroma of coffee filled the air, and the lively chatter of students created a cheerful ambiance. We shared stories of our summer vacations, giggling like schoolgirls as we reminisced about our adventures.

But as we entered the cafeteria, our laughter came to an abrupt halt. A group of boys had surrounded a girl, mocking and teasing her mercilessly. My heart sank, and my smile vanished as I couldn't bear to witness someone being treated so cruelly.

Kinza whispered worriedly, "Ayesha, should we do something?"

Without a second thought, I handed my bag to Kinza, determination burning within me. "I'll be right back," I assured her.

As I approached the scene, my nerves began to tingle, but I couldn't back down. With every step, I felt my resolve strengthening. I stood tall in front of the girl, facing the boys with unwavering determination.

“Enough!" I spoke firmly, my voice cutting through their laughter. "Is this how you treat someone weaker than you? It's cowardly and pathetic."

The boys initially scoffed, thinking I was an easy target. But I wasn't going to let them get away with it. As they tried to mock me, I swiftly twisted the hand of one of the boys, making him wince in pain.

Kinza, quick on her feet, pulled out her phone and started recording the confrontation. The other boys, taken aback by my unexpected resistance, quickly dispersed like scared mice.

One of the boys sneered, "What's your problem, girl? Mind your own business."

"My problem is with bullies like you who think they can torment others just for fun," I retorted, my voice steady and defiant

Another boy chimed in, "You think you're tough? Let's see what you've got!"

"I'm not here to fight, but I won't stand by and watch someone being mistreated," I replied firmly.

Kinza spoke up from behind, her phone still recording, "Yeah, you better leave! We have evidence now, and we won't hesitate to report this to the authorities!"

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