Chapter 9

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I was sitting in was room working on laptop .
I heard a sigh sound as I look up and saw Ayesha sitting on the bed looking at her phone while making weird faces. Then she closes her eyes and put her phone back on the dressing table as if she defeated in something . I look back at my laptop but everytime she sigh my attention went towards her . I move my eyes towards her as she peck a look towards her phone. What is she even doing? I again decided to focus ony work but I guess she is not in the mood of letting me work. I sigh and close my laptop.

“ What happened to you? “ I asked raising my eye brow. Her body jolt up at my voice as she looks towards me with a hand on her chest.
Actually I spoke too coldly and deeply that she got scared. Why can't I talk softly?

“ You scared me! “ She said taking a deep breathe. I gulp as my eyes went towards her because lips. Ahad stop it. You are not supposed to do this. I quickly look away.
“ You were keep on checking your phone while making these weird faces. “  I eyed towards her phone . She look down at her phone and then back towards me.

“ It's nothing. I was trying to contact my friend but my friend is not answering. “ I nodded putting my hands in my pocket.

“ Ammi told me to remind you that tomorrow is hamza's birthday so we both need to go for shopping for some gifts and to buy items for decoration “ 

Ammi told me in morning that we need to celebrate hamza's birthday like always . Hamza is good but he is not all good. He thinks I don't know a thing about him but I know what a playboy he is. For this reason I don't like him much but Ammi and others like him so what I can say.

As soon as I said that Ayesha's face turn into scared or maybe something else. I can't identify . She looks down at her hands and play with her fingers. I saw her doing this when I was driving us towards my house on the day of wedding. And I saw her doing this on walima. I decided to ignore it.

As much as I will think about her, everything will go in wrong direction. I can never forget how her sister tried to humiliate me . It's final that we both have to go on our own ways. After a year or two. Everything is planned the divorce papers . I just need the media to calm down.

Its not like she is bad and I don't want her. But she is a kid. She is young and she deserves a world where sunshine and butterflies exists not my world where darkness and snakes exists.

I was about to walk away when she hold by hand stopping me.

“ Ahad... “  I turn to look at her but I don't know why my heart was beating so fast. So fast that I doubt she can hear my heartbeat.
Her eyes look in mine as if she can see through me.

“ Yes? “ I asked trying to keep my voice steady. She gulp and leave my hand .
“ Nothing... I will go get ready “ She said before getting up and walking towards the bathroom .
I look down at the place she touched my hand. Her hands warmness stayed for a while and then left. I want to feel it again.

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