Chapter 7

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I lay on the bed holding my stomach which was hurting like hell. I close my eyes in pain and curled like a ball. I always have the baddest period pain. I visited doctor too once all on my own because my mother don't support in these all things she said these things should be hidden no matter what. Like Ammi are you serious I am dying with the pain and you think about the society.

“ It... Hurts “  I tear escape my eye. As my body start to shake badly. But soon a gentle hand remove my hand from my stomach and it was replaced my a strong hand of no one other than Ahad. I look at him as his eyes were softened on me.

“ W-what are you doing? “ I said as my eyes went towards the Oil bowl in his hand. He sit on the bed beside me. “ Helping my wife “ He said in his usual cold tone but with a hint of care.

His words resonated within me, and I found myself nodding hesitantly. He extended his hand toward me, and a shiver ran down my spine as I hesitated. Trust had always been a fragile thing between us, but there was something different about him in that moment, something that made me want to believe.

"Show me your belly, Ayesha," he requested softly, his eyes locked onto mine.

My breath caught in my throat, my heart racing. I hesitated, battling a whirlwind of emotions. But then, his eyes seemed to convey a promise, a pledge that he would respect my vulnerability. "I won't... I can't," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

Ahad's expression remained steady, his eyes closing gently as he said, "Trust me, Ayesha. I promise I won't look."

His reassurance sent a jolt of warmth through my veins, a newfound sense of security. With trembling fingers, I slowly lifted my shirt, exposing my belly to him. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, my heart pounding like a trapped bird.

Ahad's hands, warm and tender, touched my skin, and a gasp escaped my lips at the contact. His touch was gentle, his fingers massaging the oil into my skin with careful precision. The pain seemed to recede into the background as I focused on the sensation of his touch, on the unexpected tenderness he was showing me.

I gulp as my eyes went towards his face. His jaw line was sharp and now that he is clenching his Jaw he looks more— no nothing. Soon his warm hands stopped and he remove his hands from my belly. I quickly my waist . “ Y-you can open your eyes “ I said as he slowly opened his eyes. But the problem is he was looking straight in my eyes. And for some reasons I could not move my eyes from his. Look away Ayesha. You should not look at him like this.

His phone ring, making us break our eye contest. He move to pick his phone up as I took a deep breath. Why it feels like I was not breathing all this time. Well it's the 50th time his phone is ringing. I guess it's some important office call. He picked up the call .

“ Tell Mr David that I won't be able to meet him today . I am sorry for taking his time but I have “  He looks towards me before continuing. “ I have something more important to look after “ He hmmed and cut the call . I frown and look at him. “ It's the project you were working for a long time right? “  I asked as I saw him working late night just for this project. He nodded before taking the oil bowl to the other table and cleaning his hands.

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