Chapter 13

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I lay down next to Ahad trying my best to keep my hands to myself and not touch him .
Heat crawl up as he shift his position . He face me as the moonlight from the window was making his face shine . It was midnight and he is already asleep looking so beautiful that I can't even take my eyes off his face . Looking at him it feels as if all the bad things fade away and only he is the main focus. This is how the people in books feel when they are in love .

His hairs were falling over his forehead and his lips were not in straight line like always rather he was making a pout . His chest was visible through his white shirt . He looked as Beautiful as ever and I wonder how much time has gone since I am watching him like this .

Stop Ayesha or you might end up doing something that's not so Ayesha thing .

Like what ? Kiss him nah—  My eyes feel over his beautiful lips that were pink . How cruel that boy have natural pink lips and bold eyebrows while girls need to work hard for them .

His lips move a little as my heart start to beat fast . The urge to hold his cheeks and press my lips on his is too much to handle . And I am losing my mind . I was about to close my eyes removing every image of his lips when he pulls me closer by putting his hands on my waist .

My whole body set on fire as I open my eyes .
His eyes were close . He was so Dangerously close to me that I can feel his hot breathes on my lips . Is he sleeping ?  I think yes . Because if he was awake he would have turn around . He don't like me anyways . But his words were still in my heart and mind like a song

You are my brave girl close Your eyes and I'll be there . “

“I am coming, Ayesha, and I will destroy everything that will hurt you

My eyes again fell over his lips even after many tries to not look at his lips . I look towards his eyes and then again his lips . He will never know I kissed him right ? I gulp and slowly hold his cheeks . His is rough and soft the perfect mixture . My heartbeat so fast and heat crawling so rapidly that I could not hear anything it was all just the sound of my heartbeat and his breathes .

“ I hate you for making me this crazy Ahad Mailk “

I whispered before slowly pressing my lips over his softly . I close my eyes and it feels as if I am at home . Finally . Tears unknownly stream down my cheeks as I pull away .
Why am I crying? Why this is happening as if I found a big piece of mine after a long time .
As if after a long cold night I finally get the warmth of home.

I stayed in his arms for the whole night . I could not sleep because there was a feeling in my heart I couldn't explain . I just wanted to look at him . Just him . Ayesha get a hold on yourself .

Next morning I woke up because of the morning light . I look at my side and Ahad was not there . Yep the morning bird must be running around the park . I stretch my arms over my hand . Even though I could not sleep I was feeling fresh . I look towards the watch and there's still an hour left for me to reach my university .

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