Chapter 3

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The car's interior seemed to grow colder with each passing moment, mirroring the icy silence that hung heavily between us. Ahad's eyes were fixed on the road ahead, his jaw clenched in frustration. I could sense the anger radiating from him, and it was hard not to flinch under his cold gaze.
I fidgeted with the delicate lace on my wedding dress, my fingers nervously playing with the fabric as I tried to find the right words to break the suffocating silence. The off-white gown, once a symbol of joy and celebration, now felt like a heavy shroud of sadness.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, noticing his tight grip on the steering wheel. It seemed like he was trying to suppress his emotions, much like I was attempting to hold back my tears. The weight of the circumstances suffocated me, and I couldn't bear the thought of being a burden to him.

Finally, unable to bear the oppressive silence any longer, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice barely audible.“ I'm Sorry Ahad " I said, trying to keep my emotions in check.

He ignored my words as if I am not even sitting in the car. I sigh and Close my eyes. The sound of car AC was the only sound I could hear. Or sometimes when he sigh. I don't know how my life turns out like this. I never wanted this.

“ Sorry for what “ He said in the most coldest voice ever. Even I shiver from his voice. I look at my hands who were red because I dig my nails in them too hardly when the nikkah was happening.

“ sorry because my sister run away from the wedding at the last moment. You must have felt so bad— “ Before I could complete my sentence he cut me off midway . “ Keep your sorry. I don't need anything. And your sister is will be in trouble because of what she did. “

My eyes widened as his words as I turn to him. “ What? No you won't do anything to my sister.! “ i said raising my voice a little. How could he even think like this. “ Why? Why I can't do anything? She betrayed me . “ My heart sank into my stomach. What if he do something with her.

“ Look, please..She did wrong but please don't do anything with her— “  He again cut me off.
“ enough Ayesha.. she put both of us in this ugly situation. So stop saving her. And don't worry I am not the Demon you think. “

I gulp and look out of the window.
“ Exactly you are not Demon you are Devil King “ I mumbered . 
“ I heard You “ he said as I tightly closed my eyes. Great.

I stepped out of the car, my heart pounding in my chest, and my palms damp with nervousness. The mansion before me seemed to loom larger than life, a stark reminder that I wasn't supposed to be here, dressed in this wedding attire meant for my runaway sister. The weight of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders, and I feared the judgment and disapproval that awaited me inside.

Ahad's family members were gathered at the doorstep, their expressions a mix of sadness and curiosity. I could sense the tension in the air, and it only intensified my unease. Ahad seemed distant, his anger and frustration palpable. I knew he was upset about his sister's elopement, and though I had no part in it, I felt like a scapegoat for his emotions.

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