Chapter 8

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2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks since Ahad is not home because he had to go out of the city for some business deal. I myself have been busy in between all the assignments and preparation. But for next 10 days we get vacations . And now I have nothing to do. I am all bored. Kinza is out of city and will come back after 4 days , Maa don't make me do any work and Ishaan is also busy with his works. Baji still did not tried to contact me.
I kinda miss Ahad. I mean yes he is grumpy and cold but At least I don't get bored when he is around me.

“ Ayesha what will you do now? “  I lay back on my bed being all tried because of being bored. I picked up my phone and open Instagram as I saw my following list and a new follower with the user name ( bunnyfindingflower) something happened when I read this user name.

( Play Hawayein by Arijit singh)

Bunny and flower ....

I remember Bunny. He was my only friend in my childhood who used to play with me. He used to make me laugh. He was older than me but he was the best. We used to make sand castle and then he used to pretend to be my prince. Sometimes he used to be my husband and I used to be his wife. I'd make imaginary food for him and he used to eat it with all his love. Even though his face is blur in my memories but his every move or word is still in my mind. I remember how I wanted to marry him. But then he had to leave promising me that when he will become a big man he will marry me.

“Guess what Bunny your flower is married to someone else. “ I open his chat section and type a text . Maybe after all these I found my Bunny and he never forget me. He is still finding me .

The message :
Hey Mr Bunny,
           I saw you are finding your flower. Looks like you found her finally . Are you finding the 8 years old girl with whom you used to play in the park. The girl who gave you earring. If yes... Then it's me.
You found me. Text me when you see.

I smiled thinking about what if he is the Bunny. I want to know how he is. If he become a big man. I want to know everything. In all these years I never forget about him. As if he become the major part of my whole life. I miss him. When he left.. I used to cry everyday. I stopped going to park.
I used to talk to my earring all day because I thought he is listening to me through this. I used to look up at the sky and promise myself that one day I will earn a lot of money and meet him.

I sigh knowing I broke my promise that I will wait for him to come and marry me. And he break his promise that he will come back.

My phone buzz with notification sound as I quickly picked up the phone. And open the chat. My heart was beating fast as if my next breathe depends on it. Calm down Ayesha, calm down.

Bunny : “ Flower.... are you really flower. I can't believe it. I thought I will Never Find You. how  are you ?. Are you okay?  Where are you? “

I smiled reading his text. He is also freaking out just like me. I type my answer.

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