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"I'm so bored right now I would literally do anything right now but, I'm also not in the mood to do anything, you know?"

"Okay... I guess I have no idea how to help you this time since you have no mood for anything."

"Come on, you're the only who knows me in and out, top to bottom, left and right. You always got something, some idea. I'm sure you have a bunch of things you want to do, right? Let's just do whatever is in your list that you want and I'll hop right in."

"I do have a long list of wanting to do stuffs, but you can't be hopping into whatever I want to do. Maybe, I just want to do most of it alone and not with you, it's something 'I' want to do list, not a 'Me & You' want to do list. It's not that you can't hop in, I'm glad enough that you took an interest in my list, just, how long do you want to keep following me? Aren't you not bored of doing that? Don't you not want your own list, your own stuff, your own personality?"

"Look, I do want my own stuffs, my own things that leads to building my own personality. Building 'Me' in a whole. I want that. Just thinking about it already feels great. I just have no idea what and where to start discovering about me. I just liked everything, but loved none, from people to things to even a simple list. I have nothing but I'm still living, still breathing. It's not easy when I'm not on any side of what society has build-up, like popular, geeks, sporty, outgoing, introverted, extroverted, outcast, bookworm, gamer, foodie, traveler, playboy/girl, smarty-pants, 'the hero' or 'the villain' and just  trying to fit somewhere with only one point that I have to offer from myself and just start going blank when people start asking more and more on it because all I ever had was just one point and that's it, dead end in that society. That's why I keep hopping in, not only your styles and stuff but others too. I hop in, play around, make a list of what I like and dislike from that, come out from there and keep it till it comes a time for change. I'm literally empty when I come out from wherever I hopped in. It's like I'm a new robot again, empty and unprogrammed." 

"Then today's the day then."

"For what?"

"Not for you hop into my stuffs anymore, unless in emergency state." 

"What?! After all that I said? I can't believe this. You're ditching me out from your life or what?"

"Aren't you not a new robot, empty and unprogrammed? Go program yourself."

"How the heck does a robot function without a developer and a programmer?"

"Still have the list that you like and dislikes from your previous um... research list I suppose?"

"Yes of course, I'm partially able to function cause of that list that I have been keeping."

"Great. Use that list, yourself and a language code of your own and you are good to start programming yourself. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy."

"Easy for you to say. I'm gonna go sit in a corner."

"Go on. Oh, don't worry about me, I got stuff that I want to do, by my own. (laughs silently)"


"Hey, guess what? I got a program language for me, myself and I. (proudly)"

"Woah, that's impressive and what is the language that you speak in?"

"YROB (Yellow-Red-Orange-Brown) language. This is my own programmed language."

"Ok, nice. What's with the colours though?"

"So, since I'm born during Autumn season that makes me an Autumn child. No other seasons that has always been able to make me feel entirely good and happy. Surprisingly, my personality lies behind each colour. It has always been there, embedded in me. I just never knew it."

"It's true that Autumn has always been the most awaited season for you, but how does your personality come from the colors?"

"Yellow is the colour of the sun. The sun can be taken in two ways, which it's either burning hot or a warm ball of sunshine."

"Meaning, you can either be angry when you're not in the mood or a happy fuzzy person? Okay, I see what you're doing there, go on."

"Exactly, and red is someone who are bold, energetic and determined. Also, could be a little vigorous, has variable moods and sometimes too hasty. (nervously laughs)"

"Well that makes sense (laughs). But no kidding this is good."

"I know right? Now, what's the next colour already? Ah, yes Orange! This colour carries the witty, generous and optimistic side of me. I also got to know that orange represents people that are 'out of the box' thinkers. Makes total sense to me on why my thoughts seemed different then the rest."

------Look right C/C with completely a blank expression------

"Are you still on earth? Ding-dong, pls respond."

"What? I mean, yeah.. I'm still listening. I'm just shooked up that what you have been saying all the while just keeps making sense more and more. It's just amazing."

"I know how you feel right now because, I felt the same when I got to know this. Now for the last colour, Brown. A colour I least expected for it to be on the list, but turns out, it is the colour that should be expected most. "

"Yeah.... but go on because I've got no idea what you have within you now."

"Well get ready. Now, brown is the colour for a person who is grounded and perseverant with their opinions, hard-working, industrious, reliable and a dry sense of humor. Does that explain everything else of me? Pretty shocking, ain't it?"

"Yes and yes. A very huge Y-E-S. I never expected this at all. This whole thing is"

" So, how's my impressive research? I'm pretty happy with it."

"I'm impressed and proud of you. You know who you are better now, I suppose."

"Definitely way better and thanks for helping out once again."

"Hey, you did this on your own. I didn't lend a hand in this one. You should thank yourself."

"I guess so..."

"I have a favour to request to you, is that okay?"

"Definitely, how can I help you out?"

"Can you make me a program language for me, please?"

"(laughs) Of course! Well, grab your chair and have a seat and we shall see what you're all about. Let's go!"

"Yes! Let me grab my chair and maybe I can get my own colour programmed language too."

"Glad to help, by the way."

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