Chapter 1: Operation Pee Pee Pants

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Matt was finally able to sit up without wincing too much now. It was a long two weeks, it was touch and go for the first few days. He had lost a lot of blood. But Alex knew he was a fighter. The Box also sent up some pretty powerful pain relievers, there was also a prepackaged syringe that wasn't anything like the Grief Serum. The instructions on the back said it would help speed up his recovery.

There was a quick council meeting, including Jeff, Clint, Alex, Newt, Alby and Matt himself, they agreed to try it. Within 48 hours Matt had colour in his face and he was able to sit up with help and take small amounts of soup broth. By the end of the week he was able to sit up on his own.

Alex plopped down on the chair beside his bed with a groan.

"Long night?" Matt asked as he slowly sat up with a groan of his own.

"You have no shucken clue! You would think the bloody plague is going around and not a shuck head cold! And you know who the worst are? The builders! We quarentied them in the big council hall outside. So Jeff and I spent all shuck night nursing big babies." Alex complained.

"Ha. Ya…I can absolutely see that. Make sure the Runners stay away. Especially their Keeper. He's a huge baby when it comes to being sick." Matt advised.

"Uhg. That's just fan-shucken-tastic." Alex whined, she leaned forwards, placing her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

She felt Matt patting her head. "You'll be okay She-Bean."

Alex just groaned. They say in silence for a little, it wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable quiet. Alex had spent a lot of time hanging out beside Matt's bedside. She felt responsible and very protective of him. Jeff had to force her a few times to leave and get some sun and food. They had become fast friends.

"I'm so bored! There's nothing to do. And I've already counted all the boards and nails…" Matt finally whined.

Alex sat up with a stretch.

"Sorry. But until you can walk a bit on your own, Jeffy says you stay put." Alex yawned. She slowly got to her feet stretching some more. "Okay. Let's get your exam over with ya? Maybe by tomorrow or the next day we can set you up outside in the sun and you can keep Fry company. Ya?"

Matt grinned. "Good that!"

Alex grabbed her supplies, washed her hands and got to work. His stitches were looking good. No signs of infection and his skin didn't look irritated. He didn't flinch and whimper anymore either.

"Looks good, Matty Pie! By the end of the week these top stitches could probably come out! That healing Serum stuff really worked! How do you feel?" Alex smiled happily at him.

"Okay, one. That nickname sucks klunk. And two, good, stitches suck even more klunk. And three I feel good. Feels like I pulled every muscle and not like I just about bleed to death. Get tired fast. But I'm feeling better!"

Alex was just cleaning up when the MedHut door burst open. Chuck came bounding in, huffing and sweaty, but a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"What's up Chuckles?" Alex asked, putting the bottle of pain relievers back on the shelf.

"I have an idea! And it'll be epic!" Chuck said, bouncing on his toes in excitement.

"Oh? Do tell." Alex turned around, leaned on the table grinning at the excited little boy, watching his curls bounce around.

"We get Gally to pee on himself!"  Chuck burst out laughing.

Alex furrowed her eyebrows and rubbed her lip thinking. Matt held his stomach laughing.

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