[6] You Only Live Once

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You Only Live Once

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You Only Live Once

Miranda fairly sailed along, thrilled with the time she was making. She was remotely pondering the benefit of curfews and softly singing one of her favorite songs on her playlist when she rounded one of the last curves on the Highway before reaching Interstate 70 where she would turn off to head to Price, when she was confronted with a sight that brought her cruising speed to a sudden halt.

Ahead, along that final curvy stretch to the intersection, she began to see the scattered remnants of abandoned vehicles illuminated by the haunting dim glow of widely spaced street light. Here and there they littered the road and along the shoulder.

Randomly parked, some with doors left open, others looking as if they had been forced from the road. Miranda slowed her SUV down to a crawl, and turned off the music, creeping along as she threaded her Jeep SUV slowly through the eerie scene. She stared in horrified fascination unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Her heart began that low, methodic thump against her chest. The road seemed to clear out a little ahead, and she knew the intersection wasn't far, so she eased along never noticing the two military Humvee's parked on either side of the road until she was hit with two blinding lights as they started their engines, pulled out and moved in behind her.

Fear swallowed her whole and she began to cry.

Her body recoiled and jerked violently as one of the Humvee's addressed her with a loud speaker, instructing her to turn around now and go back, but she was locked with fright and kept driving. They continued the loud speaker tirade, becoming more urgent with their threats that she turn around or stop immediately.

As the glaring spotlights lit up the scene ahead, Miranda's sobs turned to a silent scream. The entire intersection was road blocked and covered with military personnel. To her left, a cattle fence had been cut back and a sea of vehicles crowded the sparse pasture where there were also tents set up.

Within moments several gas-masked and armed National Guardsmen had approached her vehicle and one of them knocked loudly on her window startling her and waking up the kids.

Others began to approach from the roadblock and Miranda was stunned to see they wore high efficiency chemical suits and full protective head masks.

They turned back and forth sweeping the area and she heard one of them yell. They all turned in unison toward the field and Miranda watched in horror as they opened fire on a group of people heading towards them.

The man at her car door tried her door handle but found it locked. "Open the door Ma'am," he commanded calmly.

Miranda shook her head in refusal as raw panic gripped her mind. With trembling hands, she fumbled around feverishly in her purse for her phone only to drop it, as without further explanation from them, her window was shattered into her lap. Miranda screamed as the agent threw open the door, stuck his arm in and pulled her from inside.

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