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Back to What You Came Here For

MCHVc had mutated.

That was the first thing Nathan and Lara were told when they made it to the campus of the Moab College, but they knew better. MCHVc had been designed to do just what it was doing, so neither Nathan or Lara were fooled by the announcement.

Both in their bio-mask headgear, Nathan with his AR, waited impatiently for Dr. Lottridge to appear, after being told this through the intercom system all while he kept a roving eye on the surroundings which were steadily devolving around them.

It was a small campus, situated North of the city of Moab, and partially hidden from view but Nathans instincts were on high alert and his emotions were strained to the breaking point.

Lara was not much better, but her hopes were raised as she peered into the dark interior of the college lobby and saw the shadowy outline of a woman slowly approaching. She was much taller than Lara had imagined, and very refined looking considering the circumstances but as she neared the glass outer wall that separated her from them, Lara saw her disheveled appearance and the shifty way her eyes darted back and forth. She seemed very unhinged to Lara for someone of her acclaimed profession.

Her face was drawn and pale, giving added depth to the dark circles beneath her eyes, and a thin line of dried blood ran from her nose.

But it was the black briefcase covered in plastic which she sat down at her feet that caught Lara's attention as the woman started right out by telling them they shouldn't be there, and she had nothing with which to help them.

"On the contrary I think you can greatly help us," Lara stated, bluntly disregarding the woman's apparent irritation. "Are you Dr. Claira Lottridge?" she demanded, almost hoping she wasn't because it was clear to Lara this woman was infected.

"Of course I am, who else would I be?" she answered, with more of the eye darting and strange expressions. "What is it you want?" she added sharply.

Lara looked at Nathan, but he only raised his brows in surprise at the woman's hawkish behavior. Lara shook her head but went on undaunted. "I need to talk to you, ma'am, could you let us in?"

"Absolutely not. You need to leave," she replied flatly.

Lara wasn't surprised by her blunt refusal. "You've been a hard person to track down, Doctor, but now I think I know why. You have been involved with this from the beginning haven't you," she shouted through her bio-mask.

To Lara's shock and amazement, Claira Lottridge pulled a Glock out of her lab jacket and stuck it against the glass, pointing it right at Lara's face. "I won't tell you again to go away."

With that threatening gesture Nathan stepped up to the window with his AR and pushed Lara behind him. "Do you know who you're talking to, lady?" he rasped angrily. "Because I've had enough of this. And to answer my own question, no, you don't," he hollered through his bio-mask. "We've come a long, dangerous way to be shit on by the likes of you so answer some questions and we'll be out of your way!"

BLOODLINE The Last Sanctuary | A Novel | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now