[8] Not Your Mother's Fairy Tale

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Not Your Mothers Fairy Tale

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Not Your Mothers Fairy Tale

Nate regained consciousness slowly and with an excruciating headache. He felt hung over and rolled onto his side. When he tried to massage his temples, he discovered he was handcuffed. He squeezed his eyes open but just a little because the glaring light was too much to endure. A groan escaped him as consciousness took over and the back of his head pulsed with pain.

"Hey Agent Halburg! Your sleeping beauty is coming around!" Someone yelled.

Nate forced himself up on an elbow and peered out into an open area filled with desks and computers. He fell back and stared at the ceiling, struggling to take stock of his surroundings. He was dizzy and nauseated.

"Hey Halburg, did you hear me!" The mystery person yelled again.

"Yeah, I heard you, Ramiro. Take care of it will ya, I'm busy," came a shouted demand from a female in some other room.

Nate heard the irritating screech of metal legs across concrete as a chair scraped from under a desk. He clenched his teeth as the piercing sound reached his ears and he groaned in agony.

"Damn partner, you look like you had a rough night of it."

"Where the hell am I?" Nate ground out.

"Well let's see, partner, right now, your six stories below Ent AFB, Peterson AFB, or the Burroughs Federal Building, whatever you want to call it, so I'd say it doesn't matter much because you aren't going anywhere any time soon."

"What the hell," Nate managed between a shuddering breath. "That place closed years ago. What is this, some kind of joke."

"Afraid not, partner," came the chuckled reply. "I'm surprised you'd even know that."

"I'm not, Ramiro," interrupted a new voice.

"Enough with the partner theme already," Nate said drily. "I'm not your partner."

He opened his eyes a crack at the sound of that female voice. He licked his dry lips and through squinted eyes saw the woman from yesterday staring back at him. A low groan emitted from deep in his gut as she moved from around her partner and stood next to the cot.

"Come on Ramiro help me sit him up."

The two of them grabbed Nate under the arms and pulled him up to a sitting position and the woman handed him a bottle of water. He drank it like it was his last, and threw the empty on the floor, agitated as hell to find himself in a situation that made no sense to him.

She said nothing for long minutes, just staring at him with a raised brow, before finally dismissing the man she called Ramiro. He nodded and left them alone.

"I guess you're wondering why you're here," she said academically.

"Actually, I'm wondering what you shot me with," he replied as his memory started to return and he eyeballed her suspiciously. "Just who the hell are you people and what do you want?" he asked thickly.

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