[14] Two 50 Caliber Reasons

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Two 50 Caliber Reasons

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Two 50 Caliber Reasons

The school was barely five miles to the southeast, and when they got there, Len had Deag pull over a good distance from the main campus.

Neither one had binoculars, so they just sat and watched the area trying to judge the situation.

They could tell that it was still staffed and Deag was all for just driving right up to the door, as if he could just waltz in and get his family out like it was a walk in the park, but Len assured him that would be impossible.

"Trust me brother, that ain't their protocol. First off, they wouldn't even let you in on account that you could be sick. No, we have to make a plan, because they are likely to just shoot first and ask questions later, if you get what I mean," Len advised. "We need to watch a little longer and try to determine who they have at this location."

Deag stared straight ahead. He knew Len was right.

The lay out of the campus was at a vantage point for them, being slightly nestled in a small valley. They could see three sides from where they were parked, but they were the back sides, with the front of the school being totally out of sight range.

Len just had no idea how the two of them had a chance of taking on the military style set up even if they could figure out who was being held here, and then they took the risk of becoming infected and sick in the likelihood that they came across diseased individuals.

"Look," Deag suddenly said. "I'm going down there. You stay here with the truck. I want to find my kids. My wife. I'll be careful, but I need to talk to someone if possible, Len, I just can't sit around here wondering."

Len knew there was no stopping Deag. He said no more to try and sway Nates little brother. Len's only family was Hollis and Verbena. The rest of their relations had never left the reservations where they had been born and raised.

Deag took the handgun Len had given him and put it on the seat. "We might need it later," he reasoned, "and they will probably take it from me anyway."

Len got out with Deag and came around to the driver's side. He handed Deag the scarf from around his neck. "Wear this at least," he cautioned.

Deag tied it around his face and Len got back in the truck behind the wheel to wait as Deag took off down the hill.

Bio-masked, armed military personnel met Deag at the gate that had been temporarily constructed to keep civilians out. It was a hurdle he hadn't counted on as he jogged down the hill and around to the front of the high school. He quickly found out that this location was being used as an Army HQ, and the guards were not in the mood to disclose any information concerning quarantine units. Deag tried explaining logically with them but they countered his questions with threats of violence if he didn't move on. The best he could manage to get from them was that detainees were only held twenty-four hours and after that they were released, so it was anybody's guess where they might be. Then he was firmly instructed to return to the safety of his own home, or face arrest.

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