Chapter 4 (S1): The Guardian's Challenge

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A lot of trainers have came to school.

Lana: Popplio, make a balloon.

Her Popplio makes a big bubble from its nose, but pops.

Sophocles is on his holographic computer, with his Togedemaru.

Sophocles: Togedemaru, charge program. Execute!

Togedemaru: Toge!

He presses the button, and his Pokémon runs on a hamster wheel, then slips.

Hau's Rowlet flies across the room, then lands on his shoulder.

Hau: Very good, Rowlet.

Lillie goes over to Mallow with a recipe, when her Bounsweet came to her shoulder.

Lillie: Uh, Mallow? The recipe you came up with. If you added Mago Berry or Aguav Berry, the Pokémon food would be better balanced.

Mallow: Lillie, you're just the best. I'll try it now. Thank you.

She smiled, so did Lillie.

Lillie: I'm happy to help.

Bounsweet: Bounsweet!

She bounces up, thanking Lillie, but scares her.

Mallow: It's such a shame you know so much about Pokémon, but you can't touch them.

Lillie: I can too touch them. I theorize that it's only a matter of if I want to touch them or not.

Kiawe came in.

Kiawe: Alola.

Mallow: Alola! Did you have a delivery this morning?

Kiawe: Yeah. To Ula'ula Island.

Sophocles: Ula'ula Island? That's far away.

Kiawe takes his seat.

Kiawe: With my Charizard, it takes no time at all.

Kukui: Alola!

Everyone's attention came to him.

Everyone: Alola!

He comes in, with you and Pikachu following him.

Kiawe sees the Z-ring on your left wrist.

(Y/n): Alola!

Kukui: Starting today, (Y/n) will be joining us at the Pokémon School. If he has any questions, please don't hesitate to help him out.

(Y/n): See, my dream is to become a Pokémon Master. So, I want to learn everything about this place. Glad to be here!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Later, you have a conversation with Hau, Lillie, Mallow, Lana and Sophocles, while Kiawe is with the professor.

Sophocles: That's so cool!

Mallow: Whoa, (Y/n), is that a Z-Crystal on your wrist?

Kiawe: Yeah. It's a Pikanium Z. Where did you get that? Not the island challenge. You didn't participate and pass the trials that I know of.

(Y/n): Oh, Hala gave it to me after school yesterday, after using that sparkling stone the day before that, when I got it from Tapu Koko at the Mahalo Trail.

Kiawe: Tapu Koko?

(Y/n): Yep, that's how I got it.

Hau: Yeah, my grandfather gave one to me too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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