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On the computer screen

You have a message from the Alola region's own Professor Kukui!

You clicked on the camera icon and met with the professor of the Alola region.

Professor Kukui: Hang on, now. Gimme just a sec...

He adjusted his camera straight. Kukui then waved hello with a smile.

Professor Kukui: Hey there! Good afternoon.

(Y/n): Hi, Professor Kukui!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

You smiled as well as Pikachu.

Professor Kukui: So the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola!

He popped up a map of region.

Professor Kukui: Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be the reason the region is chock full of nothin' but rare Pokémon, yeah!

Pikachu: Pika...

(Y/n): Wow...

Professor Kukui: There's no shortage of cool Pokémon out here in Alola, either! Such mysterious creatures!

He brought up a Poké Ball and tossed it, releasing a little wolf Pokémon.

Professor Kukui: You find 'em all over. In the grass, in the caves, in the sky and sea... Here in Alola we love our Pokémon, and we depend on them heaps, too.

A little bug Pokémon came behind him.

Professor Kukui: Some of us even battle with 'em, if we call ourselves Pokémon Trainers!

He looked at the two Pokémon.

Professor Kukui: Rockruff! Cutiefly! I'll play with you later, so cool your jets!

Rockruff: Ruff!

They both left.

Professor Kukui: All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody!

(Y/n): Okay.

Professor Kukui: So which photo should I use for your Trainer Passport?

You uploaded a photo of yourself.

Professor Kukui: All right then, I'll let you spell out your name for me.

You then typed your name.

Professor Kukui: 10-4, good buddy! I'll let everybody out here know you're on your way! (Y/n)! Yeah, that's a name that hits you like a Trop Kick right to the head! Woo!

Rockruff came back and climbed on his shoulder, Cutiefly came as well as the bird Pokémon.

Professor Kukui: Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!

(Y/n): Sure thing!

You both waved goodbye, he then closed off.

Your mother called you.

Mom: (Y/n)! Pikachu! Come help with these boxes!

(Y/n): Coming, mom! Let's go, Pikachu.

She nodded.

Pikachu: Pika.

She got off your shoulder as you got off your desk.


A blonde girl in a white dress was running from the people wearing white uniforms.

The girl ran to the elevator then went up. As soon she was there, she continued running as the people continued to chase her down, until the girl had stop to notice two other people.

She was surrounded as the man in the white and purple walked towards her. The mysterious creature inside her bag used its power as it created a big flash and vanished along with her.

 The mysterious creature inside her bag used its power as it created a big flash and vanished along with her

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Male Pokémon Trainer X Pokémon Sun & Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now