Chapter 1 (S1): A day at the Alola region

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At home in route 1, your mother and her Meowth was outside at the side of the house. She extended her arms out feeling the breeze.

Mom: Ahhh! Can't you just feel that warmth? The first day spent under Alola's Sun! It's so warm and bright here!

She then put her arms down.

Mom: But that's enough of that! Time to unpack all these boxes!

She turned towards Meowth.

Mom: Meowth? Go get (Y/n) and Pikachu for me, would you?

Meowth: Meow?

It ran to your bedroom.

Meowth: Mrow!

You and Pikachu snuggled together sleeping in bed.

Meowth turned to you both and shouted.

Meowth: Mwaaawwwrrrrrr!!!

You slowly opened your eyes and got up from bed.

Pikachu got up and yawn cutely.

You yawned and your eyes were wide awaked.

(Y/n): Morning, Pikachu.

She smiled at you.

Pikachu: Pika!

You turned towards Meowth.

(Y/n): Hey, Meowth.

Meowth: Meow!

(Y/n): Come on, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

She got onto your left shoulder as you both and Meowth left the bedroom.

Your mother came inside.

(Y/n): Morning, mom.

Mom: Morning, sweetheart. You were out like a light, weren't you? You ought to be full of energy by now! And just look! It's already daytime here! It's completely the opposite of Kanto. But then we are so far away here in Alola. So, (Y/n)! Are you excited to meet some Alolan Pokémon?

(Y/n): Of course I am, mom!

Mom: That's right! I want to hurry up and some, too! We're living in the Alola region now! The beautiful islands everyone wants to visit! I'm sure the Pokémon living in a place like this must be friendly, right? It might not be a bad idea to go out and see for yourself just how friendly Pokémon here are. Right, (Y/n)? Go and get ready for a bit of exploring! Your Bag and hat and things should be hanging on your coat stand in your room.

(Y/n): Sure thing.

You went back to your bedroom to put on your cap, your bag, and your fingerless gloves.

(Y/n): Ready for an adventure, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

She was so excited.

You two walked out of your bedroom.

Your mother looked at you all ready to go.

Mom: Now you look ready for anything! Oh, but even so, (Y/n)... Try to be careful walking through the tall grass! Still, I have to admit that I'd love to have a new Pokémon around... Why don't you head up toward Iki Town and see what you discover in Alola?

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