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This last week of summer was honestly extremely boring. I spent most of my days in my room watching crime documentaries, and i would occasionally go out with my friends.

My last day of summer starts with so much noise outside of my window. I look at my phone and it's 8:30 am. I groan and rub my eyes while getting out of my bed to see what's causing all this unnecessary noise so early in the morning. It's so bright outside and I can barley see one of those Uhaul trucks that's the cause to all this sound.

"Someone's moving in." I say quietly to myself.

I walk into the kitchen and my parents are already awake watching the news in the living room.

"Oh look! Sleeping Beauty has finally arose from her slumber!" My dad jokes.

My mom laughs a bit and i start to giggle. I pour myself some cereal and sit at the table. I hear more moving noises coming from our new neighbors.

"Who's moving in?" I ask as I eat my breakfast. "We're not sure. I was thinking that we could give them a little welcome to the neighborhood treat!" My mom finishes her sentence with a little smile.

She always makes people treats no matter what the occasion is but I think it's so cute.

I finish my breakfast and walk back into my room to do my hygiene routine. I then clean up my room while listening to some music.

I'm done with cleaning so I go upstairs and decide to bother Dontae, my brother. I barge into his room. He's playing video games on his PC so I run over to him to start tickling him.

"Imani!! Sto-Stop!!!" He says in between laughs. I stop and he catches his breath. "Man what is wrong with you?! I can't even chill in my own room without you bothering me."

I laugh and sigh. "It's fun messing with you." I change the subject and start talking about the new neighbors. "Did you see who they are."
"Yeah, I saw this lady. She did look a lil familiar." He drifts off back into his game and I walk out of his room and go back to my own. I lay down on my bed bored out of my mind. I text my friends asking them if they're excited to go back to school. Some say yeah and some say they never want to go to school again.

Time passes

It's 9 pm. I already took a shower and I have my outfit picked out for school tomorrow. I'm a little excited for this school year, considering it's my last. I smell something really good in the kitchen but then I realize it's the 'Welcome to the Neighborhood treat' my mom was talking about.

"Imani do you want to come with me to give these to our neighbors?" She asks while pulling freshly made brownies out of the oven.

"Uhh yeah!" I put on my UGG slippers and walk with my mom to the house. I knock on the door and this oddly familiar woman opens it.

"Hello!" She says with a thick accent and a voice that's almost so easy to remember, but i just cant put my finger on it.

"Hi! I made these brownies for you and your family! Welcome to the neighborhood!" My mom hands her the brownies.

"Thank you so much! Have a good night!" She closes the door and we walk back to our house.

"Mom does that lady look familiar to you?" I look at the concrete and kick the pebbles.

"A little bit. Maybe we've seen her at the store or something."

We come home and I tell my mom goodnight. I walk into my room, set my alarm and immediately went to sleep. I still get that feeling in my stomach you get the night before a new school year.

The two main characters don't interact in the first couple of chapters but it'll all be worth it trust.
Also this first chapter was just like her life blah blah what she does before school etc like you read it
The next chapter is gonna be from Sebastian's pov.
Also sorry if it's kinda bad i literally made this at 1 in the morning.
OK BYEE🗣️🗣️👾👾

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