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U almost ready to go to six flags?

Yeah ima take my car though.

We're riding with Diego

I finish doing my stuff then I walk outside to my car. I get in and She by Tyler the Creator starts playing.

"Sebastian you almost here?"

"Yeah I'm like five minutes away. You guys there already?"

"Yeah man we've been waiting for you. If it doesn't take five minutes for you to meet up with us we're leaving yo ass"

We laugh before ending the call and then I pull up to the parking lot. I see them waiting but I don't think they saw me yet.

"Yooo look who finally decided to show up!" Diego yells.

We head to pay at the entrance and then start going on rides.

The first ride we get on has a line so we just stand there and talk about random shit until someone taps me on my back.

I turn around and see a short girl with brown hair. I think she goes to my school.

"Hi, I saw you over there with my friends and I thought you were super cut and I just wanted to know if I could get your number!" She says with a big smile on her face.

"Sure. What's your name?" She's pretty i'll admit that.

She tells me her name is Lisa and then I give her my number.

"Thank you! I'll text you!" She says before walking away.

"Damnnn you getting bitchess!!" Amir says with a smile.

Why this mf geekin over one girl asking me for my number.

"Mannn it's just one girl. I don't even get bitches foreal."

Amir and Diego laugh and we're about to get on the ride.


It's almost 11pm and I'm walking with Amir, Diego, and our other friends.

We're about to leave then I feel like someone is looking at me. I look around but Lisa comes up to me again.

"Hey i know I just talked to you today but I was wondering if you could take me home because my friends left me here. But i think it was on accident because we were with a lot of people and they probably thought i was already in the car."

She looks nervous so I obviously couldn't say no, even if I wanted to.

I tell the guys bye and then I walk with her to my car. She tells me her address and then we get in.

It's kinda quiet so I start talking but we end up talking over each other.

Lisa laughs and then she talks. "Soo.. have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

I'm a little thrown off because we just met and her asking me that is weird but it makes me think about Imani.

She notices I look upset so she tells me she's sorry for asking that.

"No it's okay. But yeah. I had a girlfriend before."

"What was her name?" Her entire body is faced toward me.

I know she's about to ask me a million questions about Imani.

"Her name is Imani." My voice cracks a little when I say her name. It feels like I haven't said her name is decades.

"Was she pretty?" Her tone of voice sounds sarcastic almost.

"Yeah, she's okay I guess."

She's more than okay, she's gorgeous, but I ruined us.

"Why did you two break up?"

Bro can she chill with the questions?

"Uhm.. I forgot. It wasn't really that important anyway."

She tries asking me another question but I'm already at her house.

"Thank you so much!! I'll text you later!" She smiles and then walks into her house.

I drive back to my house. When i get home i go straight to my bed to fall asleep when I see that there's almost 100 messages from the gc.

Nah they prolly fuckin right now.


We didn't fuck I just got home 😭

He lyin..

Im honestly just tired so I stop responding. I start thinking about Lisa and then Imani. Why did she have to bring up if i had a girlfriend. She didn't even text me yet.

I go to sleep with Imani on my mind. Missing what we had.



THIS CHAPTER WAS LITERALLY RUSHED ASF😭😭😭😭 but i haven't published in like 3 days so i had to do a lil sum

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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