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Liam drops me off at my house. "Today was fun! I wanna go out again with you guys!" I say before walking to my house. They all agree with me and I tell them bye and Liam drives off.

I look at my neighbors house. Sebastian's house. I want to go knock on the door but at the same time I don't. I'm standing there for a good minute and then I see his car pull up.

Oh shit. Lemme walk into my house before he comes out.

It's like 11 p.m. so my parents are already asleep. I don't know about my brother though. He usually stays up until like 3. I go into my room and put on some more comfortable clothes and lay down on my bed.

I'm scrolling through tiktok when I get a text from Liam.

Heyy mani r u ok? On that phone call you just zoned out or something lol

i saw my ex at six flags
U remember when I told you that he moved to New Jersey or something like that

No mf way
Yeah I remember but I thought you said he wasn't gonna come back to Cali?

MANNN i thought so too.
That's not even the worst part

tell me👂🏼



i'm being frrr
when he first moved in my mom gave his mom brownies .
I knew that lady looked familiar.

well maybe you two can have like this enemy to lovers neighbors type thing lolll

boy bye😭😭

ima go to bed love u maniii

love u too liam😭

Liam loves a good enemy to lovers story. But honestly I want nothing to do with Sebastian. You're probably confused as fuck as to why I hate him so much so let me tell you.

(November 8th 2021)

"Mama, can I go over to Sebastian's house today? Please!!" I begged.

"Imani you just saw him. Ask you father." Now my mom knows he's gonna say no.

"Mama you know exactly what dad is gonna say. Please just for a little bit I promise i'll be back before you know it."

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Get in the car." She knows she can't ever say no to me.

She drops me off as Sebastian's house and tells me to be home before dinner.

I knock on the door and his brother opens it. "Hey Julian! Where is Sebastian?"

"Hey Imani! I think he's in his room." He moves to the side and lets me in.

I walk into his room and he's playing Madden i think with his friends.

"Hi baby!!" I go over to him and try to hug him but he just pushes me off.

"Excuse me? Don't do that." I tell him sternly.

"Bro cant you see i'm doing something." He doesn't even take his eyes off the game to look at me.

"Okay but i'm here like you asked me to be so the least you can do is say hi or something." I start getting mad that he's so busy in the game.

He's never acted like this before so I don't know what his problem is. He's always been so nice and would stop everything for me.


"Imani what the fuck do you want!" He yells.

"You're acting like a lil bitch." I walk over to his playstation and plug it out.

We can both act like bitches.

"What the hell is your problem?" He gets up and finally looks at me.

"You can take you eyes off that stupid game to look at your girlfriend! To say hi?!"

We've been arguing for 30 minutes and I think his brother heard because he walks in and asks if we're ok.

"Quitate a la chingada!" He tells his brother.
(translation: Get the fuck out.)

Julian leaves and then he turns his attention back on me.

"Sebastian what the fuck is your problem? Why are you so angry and why are you yelling at your brother?"

"Because of you! Because you piss me off so fucking bad! I told you to come here so i could finally break up with you!"

Is he serious.

"Are you serious." I scoff.


I walk out of his house and I start to cry. We were just fine and now he wants to change his entire attitude? For what?

I call my mom to come pick me up and she notices that I'm crying.

"Mama I don't want to talk about it." She understands and we just drive home in silence. I think she knew why I was crying.


A few weeks later he moved away and I thought that was the last time I was going to see him until today.

I hate him and I will never ever talk to him again.


I changed Sebastian's pov a little bit lololll
also school started for me so that's why i haven't been making new chapters recently 😇😇

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