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School starts today. I've been awake since 4 because I couldn't sleep. I brush my teeth and then i put on my clothes.

(with or without the bag it doesn't really matter)

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(with or without the bag it doesn't really matter)

I make my way into the kitchen and have some left over soup from yesterday night. My mom already left for work, and she took my little sister to her school.

My brother and I are the only ones left at home. I don't see him in the living room or the kitchen. His ass is probably still sleeping.

I walk over to his room and barge in.

"LEVANTATE!" I scream right in his ear.
(translation: get up!)

He jolts up and groans. "Chinga tu madre. Im up bro." He rubs his eyes. (translation: fuck you.)

"Siquiera sabes qué hora es!?" I yell again.
(translation: Do you even know what time it is!?)

"It doesn't even matter. I'm up now! Estas molestando!" (translation: you're annoying!)

I walk out of his room and sit down on the couch. I turn the tv on and "Blues Clues" is on. I used to love that show growing up.

My brother is finally ready. I would've left him and drove to school without him, but he would've called our mom and she would've yelled at me.

Time passes

We make it to the school and we walk to our classes. My first class is algebra. I have some of my old friends there and we start talking like i never even left.

The teacher is some old guy but everyone said that he's a good teacher so that's ok. He lets us do whatever just as long as we don't get too distracting.

I'm talking with one of my friends and they tell me that some girl named Julie keeps looking at me. I turn around and this short girl with blonde hair smiles at me and giggles to her friends.

She's not ugly but she's not my type.

"Bro go over there and talk to her." My friend Diego says.

"Are you serious. I'm not looking to date anyone right now. And she's not even my type." I say turning away from her.

Amir fake laughs and says , "Oh yeah we forgot. We know exactly what your type is"

They all laugh and then they start to list off "my type of girls".

They think they're so funny but this shit actually pisses me off. They stop after they see the look on my face and then they tell me that they're just joking.

We keep talking until this class period ends.

Time passes

I'm walking to my second class (biology) when I feel someone tug on my shirt. I look down and see Julie.

"Hi. I just wanted to say that you're like really cute and stuff and I was wondering if I could get to know you."

Her voice is kind of annoying. It's like this weird fake high pitched tone.

I didn't want to be rude so I just told her sure. We're walking upstairs and she's just basically talking to herself. I would say "oh wow" and hum as a response but she just would not get the message that i'm not listening to a word she says.

We keep walking until then I hear this laugh that makes me stop and look around. That laugh. I can tell who's laugh it is from a mile away. My heart starts racing and I keep looking around until my eyes find her face.

Imanis face.

Julie starts talking again but I just tune her out.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself. I'm in shock because I didn't even think that she would be at this school.

She's walking with some dude and his arm is around her shoulders.

I finally snap out of my trance and I'm immediately hit with this emotion of guilt.

My mind starts racing to our old memories. Everything that I've done and caused. I wish I could take it all back.

"What the fuck is she doing here." "Who the hell is that wrapped around her."

I think I don't care who it is, but a part of me does. I'm just shocked that I'm seeing her again. I've completely forgotten.. (or at least tried to forget) everything about us.

She brought out the best in me and I took it for granted. It feels like my thoughts last for an eternity but in reality it's just 30 seconds.

Julie taps me on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asks with that same annoying voice.

I don't even look at her and I reply with, "Yeah. I gotta get to class."

I walk off before she can say anything else to me. I make it to my class before the bell rings. I sit down in an empty seat and my mind is only on one thing.

Time passes

It's lunch and i'm sitting with my friends. I'm not even listening to their conversation and then Diego slightly kicks my leg.

"Bro are you good? You've just been staring at that wall for 300 hours." He waves his arm in-front of my face.

"I fucking saw Imani." I say without breaking contact from the same wall.

They all do their "oohs" and ask if I'm good. I tell them i'm okay and then i change the subject.

School ends

I'm at my house laying on my bed looking at the ceiling. I already ate dinner, took a shower and everyone else in my house is asleep.

I cant stop thinking about all of our old memories. How much hurt. The pain I've tried to forget over the years. And then the regret that circled around all those thoughts. They all flowed back to me the moment I saw her again. Did she see me too?

I hope she didn't. I'm just going to pretend like I didn't even notice or see her.

I want to say I miss her but I can't.


i was really tired when I made this chapter.
Also thank you for all the views and the votes 😜🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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