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I wake up at 6:30 on a saturday. This is what being in a school sleep schedule does to you.

I have an unopened message from Liam.

Hey Mani!! I was wondering if you'd like to go to Six Flags with my friends and I! pls say yes 🤗🤗

Duhhh Id love to go to six flags 🙀🙀
R u gonna pick me up?

Ofc but my other friends r gonna be in the car

How many ppl ?

Uhh like 5 i think
6 including u

Ok when are u coming to my house 🧐
So i know how much time I have to get ready.

@ 9:30 or some time close to that
Is that ok?

Yeahh thats good😁


I have three hours to get ready. That's more than enough time. I take a shower, then do my daily face routine and then I find my clothes. In this California heat, I know shorts are my bestfriend.

I put on some cute sandals and then I start doing my makeup

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I put on some cute sandals and then I start doing my makeup. It's just something light for today.
Then I do my hair in a half up half down hairstyle. They're in boho braids, and this hairstyle is not for the weak!

Liam is supposed to come in 30 minutes so I start watching "Missing". This movie is so good, and I love the plot twists.

I hear honking outside so I turn my tv off and tell my parents that I'll be home soon. They tell me to have fun and then I head to Liam's car.

I open the door and there are no empty seats.

"Uhh Liam.. Where am I supposed to sit?" I say with a little nervous chuckle.

"You can sit here." That deep ass voice practically shakes the entire goddamn car. I look at the person who spoke and it's a beautiful man. His name is Kaleb. I've heard Liam talk about him before but woah, he's just beautiful.

Kaleb points to a spot between him and Riley, another friend of Liam's. We had classes together but we rarely ever talked.

I sit in between Kaleb and Riley and I'm squished. We're already on our way to six flags when I remember that I have my own car that I could've taken.

We make it too six flags and I'm so happy that i can finally stretch and feel free without having two bodies squeezing me in.

I walk over to Liam and start talking to him and everyone catches up to us.

I nudge Liam on the shoulder and look at Kaleb with a smirk on my face.

"Go talk to him!" He pushes me over to Kaleb and I bump into him. I give Liam a glare but he just laughs and starts to talk to Robbie, another friend of his.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you that was an accident!" I awkwardly laugh.

"Nah it's all good." God his voice makes me wanna... nevermind.

I honestly don't know what else to say. Usually i'm not nervous but he just makes me feel that way.

I look up to him and lord he is tall. I'm 5'5 and he's probably a foot taller than me.

"So.. do you wanna go on a ride?" Why would I ask that? Of course he wants to go on a ride! Why else would he be here?

"Yeah, I was thinking we could go on the Goliath!" He has a big smile on his face. It's cute.

We get in line for the ride. I've never been on the Goliath, but it looks fun as hell.

We're on the ride, sitting right next to each other and then it starts. We're screaming, laughing, and looking at the view from above.


Kaleb and I have been on almost all the rides at Six Flags. It's just the two of us and we have no idea where any one else is.

"Aw hell nah. If they left us Ima be pissed." He laughs and so do I.

"Kaleb you call Riley and I'll call Liam."

(phone rings, then he picks up)

I: Liam where are you? Me and Kaleb have been looking all around for the both of you!

L: Mani!! I've been looking around for you guys too hahah we found everyone else! Where are you two?

I: We're over here by the batman ride! Hurry up it's late as fuck and i'm tryna get my ass ho-

L: Mani??? R u good?? what were u gonna say?

I put the phone down and Liam is still on the other line saying some words that I can't understand.

"What the fuck?" I say out loud to myself. I repeat that about 100 times because of what.. or who I just laid my eyes on. Him. The worst person alive. My ex.


"Oh hell no." When the fuck did he move back? Did he actually even move back here? Is he here to see family? No? Why would he be seeing family when summer already ended.

I'm stuck in my spot because I'm just in shock. Why am I acting like this? What the fuck is he doing back in California?

That's when my mind goes back to the day before school started. When our new neighbors moved in. When my mom gave that familiar lady those brownies. His fucking mom!

My ex, the worst person alive, is my fucking neighbor.


this chapter was rushed asf lmaoo😭
why tf do i always write before i go to bed.
i hope u guys like this chapter 😁😁😇😇🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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