CHAPTER 11: "Love is The Heart of The World"

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*love is the heart of the world...*

It was a cold and crisp October morning, a Saturday to be precise. And it has been two wonderful months since Red "first" told Lizzie that he indeed loved her. And everyday for the past two months, he would show and tell her repeatedly. Every single day while she prepares for her day at work, Red would cook her breakfast; and it was always a hearty meal that would bring her through the day. He would always wish her "good luck", and " stay safe", when she's going on field assignment "remember to eat", "take it easy", "call me when you get there", and "I love you" as he walks her to the car. He always showers her with kisses on the forehead, both cheeks, on the tip of her nose and a lingering one to her lips methodically before she leaves. He always waves her a kiss goodbye and waits for her car to go round the curb before going back inside. And when she gets home at night, It's either he has already made dinner or is still cooking dinner; and sometimes, he fetches her from work to take her out, if she's up to it. He sometimes even picks her up for lunch on a slow day. Every time she thinks about it, she couldn't help but to smile; so this was perhaps the way he used to be; all sweet and cuddly, but sometimes her heart aches for him that he had to hide these things from the world, but seeing him now as he were; maybe the accident wasn't all that bad, or so she hopes. And now that the list was over, there was no fear that he'll be killed, they were all gone, so there's no worry. All is fair in love and war after all.

She woke up with the sun streaming on her face, all warm and cozy. She reached for the side of his bed only to find it cold. He's been gone a while, she thought to herself. Ever since waking up together all snug and cozy the first time he got home they've been sleeping together, but they haven't consummated anything so far. Both of them didn't want to sound presumptuous after all.

Lizzie donned on her robe and walked towards the hall. The smell of morning coffee infiltrated her nostrils and it bright a smile on her face. As she walks towards the kitchen, she was greeted by smell of baking country biscuits , and something that screams bacon, and a singing Red. Leaning on the arch that leads to the kitchen, there she saw him standing facing the stove and singing a very familiar tune...

*tin cans on rattling pavements, confetti scattered everywhere
She falls asleep in the seat beside me, rice caught up in her hair.
I don't mind it, I keep driving flying on these wheels of steel
A bit anxious, a bit nervous the moment's all that we could feel.

If oil is the soul of the engine, wine is the drink of the God's
Forgiveness is the road to redemption, faith could still beats the odds
We're meant to be, baby hold on to me, you'll never not be my girl
Coz love is the heart of the world...*

She smiled as he finished singing the verse and the chorus *so there's one more discovery... The man could sing...* she thought and decided to let her presence be known...

*i leave him sleeping as I rise early
always up before the dawn...*

He hears someone singing behind him, and he turns around a bit surprised before reacting and replacing it with a warm smile and stayed silent beckoning for her to continue...

*...the house is dark but I see clearly. The kettle sings a morning song
The bacons frying, baby's crying. I soak up the sights and sounds
Minutes turns to days and I, wish that I could slow em down...*

She made her way towards him, from where he stood infront of the breakfast bar, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

*if grease is the soul of the kitchen, coffee the drink of the Gods
Routine too perfect to mention, time is a thief I would rob
We're meant to be, baby hold onto me, I'll never not be your girl
Coz love is the heart of the world.*

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